red dog flour

red dog flour
низкосортная пшеничная мука

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "red dog flour" в других словарях:

  • Red-dog flour — Red dog Red dog, or Red dog flour Red dog flour The lowest grade of flour in milling. It is dark and of little expansive power, is secured largely from the germ or embryo and adjacent parts, and contains a relatively high percentage of protein.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Red dog — Red dog, or Red dog flour Red dog flour The lowest grade of flour in milling. It is dark and of little expansive power, is secured largely from the germ or embryo and adjacent parts, and contains a relatively high percentage of protein. It is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • red-dog — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ verb Etymology: from the noun phrase red dog transitive verb : to rush (the passer) in football intransitive verb …   Useful english dictionary

  • red dog — noun 1. [so called from the red ink endorsement] : unreliable paper money issued by wildcat banks in the United States prior to the establishment of the national banking system 2. [so called from the fact that such flour was once packed in bags… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hot dog variations — This is a listing of regional variations on the hot dog. Different areas of the world have local variations on the type of meat used, condiments and means of preparation, which are enumerated below. Contents 1 United States 1.1 Alabama 1.2… …   Wikipedia

  • Korean cuisine — Hanjeongsik, a full course Korean meal with a varied array of banchan (side dishes)[1] Korean name …   Wikipedia

  • Home stored product entomology — is most commonly used in lawsuits over the contamination or infestation of foods by insects, usually in the commercial sector. Although stored product entomology may seem a lesser known subject, this branch of forensic entomology is extremely… …   Wikipedia

  • Sausage — This article is about the prepared meat. For other uses, see Sausage (disambiguation). Kiełbasa Biała (white sausage), Szynkowa (smoked), Śląska, and Podhalańska styles (Poland) A sausage is a food usually made from ground meat (normally pork or… …   Wikipedia

  • Global cuisines — See also: Cuisine Hyderabadi Biryani, an Indian meat and rice dish …   Wikipedia

  • Cuisine of the Philippines — Philippine cuisine has evolved over several centuries from its Malay roots to a cuisine of predominantly Spanish base, due to the many Mexican and Spanish dishes brought to the islands during the colonial period. It has also received influence… …   Wikipedia

  • Philippine cuisine — Filipino cuisine Philippine cuisine consists of the food, preparation methods and eating customs found in the Philippines. The style of cooking and the food associated with it have evolved over several centuries from its Austronesian origins to a …   Wikipedia

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