
[rıʹkɜ:] v
1. (to) возвращаться (в речи, мысленно к чему-л.)

to recur to the former subject [to what was said before] - возвращаться к предмету обсуждения [к сказанному ранее]

to recur to past experiences - сослаться на опыт прошлого

2. (to) вновь приходить на ум; снова возникать (о мысли)

to recur to the memory - возникать в памяти

his former mistake recur red to him in time - он вовремя вспомнил о сделанной им когда-то ошибке

it recurs to me that he was the first person to help us - мне всегда вспоминается, что он был первым, кто нам помог

the tune recur red to me when I was taking a walk - мелодия всплыла у меня в памяти во время прогулки

3. 1) повторяться, происходить вновь

a problem which recurs periodically - периодически возникающая проблема

steps have been taken so that the accident can never recur - приняты меры к тому, чтобы подобный несчастный случай никогда не повторился

this difficulty is bound to recur - эта трудность неизбежно будет возникать снова (и снова)

leap year recurs every four years - високосный год бывает раз в четыре года

an occasion recur red - (снова) представился случай

2) мед. рецидивировать
4. (to) обращаться, прибегать (к чему-л., редк. к кому-л.)

to recur to an expedient - прибегнуть к какому-л. средству

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "recur" в других словарях:

  • Recur — Re*cur (r?*k?r ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Recurred} ( k?rd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Recurring}.] [L. recurrere; pref. re re + currere to run. See {Current}.] 1. To come back; to return again or repeatedly; to come again to mind. [1913 Webster] When any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • recur — I verb be persistent, come again, come back, continue, crop up again, happen again, haunt, intermit, keep on, occur again, persevere, persist, reappear, recrudesce, renew, reoccur, repeat, resume, return, revert II index occur (happen), repeat… …   Law dictionary

  • recur — mid 15c., from L. recurrere to return, come back, from re back, again (see RE (Cf. re )) + currere to run (see CURRENT (Cf. current)). Originally of persons; application to thoughts, ideas, etc. is recorded from 1704 …   Etymology dictionary

  • recur — *return, revert, recrudesce Analogous words: *repeat, iterate, reiterate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • recur — has inflected forms recurred, recurring …   Modern English usage

  • recur — [v] happen again; repeat in one’s mind be remembered, be repeated, come again, come and go, come back, crop up again*, haunt thoughts*, iterate, persist, reappear, recrudesce, reiterate, repeat, return, return to mind, revert, run through one’s… …   New thesaurus

  • recur — ► VERB (recurred, recurring) 1) occur again. 2) (of a thought, image, etc.) come back to one s mind. DERIVATIVES recurrence noun. ORIGIN Latin recurrere, from currere run …   English terms dictionary

  • recur — [ri kʉr′] vi. recurred, recurring [L recurrere < re , back + currere, to run: see COURSE] 1. to have recourse (to) 2. to return, as in thought, talk, or memory [recurring to an earlier question] 3. to occur again, as in talk or memory; come up …   English World dictionary

  • recur */ — UK [rɪˈkɜː(r)] / US [rɪˈkɜr] verb [intransitive] Word forms recur : present tense I/you/we/they recur he/she/it recurs present participle recurring past tense recurred past participle recurred a) to happen again We must make sure that the problem …   English dictionary

  • Recur — To occur again. To return. Any symptom (such as fatigue), any sign (such as a heart murmur), or any disease can recur. * * * recurrence, recurrent * * * re·cur ri kər vi, re·curred; re·cur·ring to occur again after an interval <a disease… …   Medical dictionary

  • recur — verb ADVERB ▪ constantly, frequently, repeatedly ▪ This is a constantly recurring problem which we must deal with. VERB + RECUR ▪ be likely to ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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