- recipebook
1> кулинарная книга
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Geographically indicated foods of the United Kingdom — There are many geographically indicated foods of the United Kingdom. In British cuisine, there is a custom of naming foodstuffs with reference to their place of origin. However, there are other reasons for this practice; Scotch egg, which was… … Wikipedia
Markup language — Example of RecipeBook, a simple markup language based on XML for creating recipes. The markup can be converted to HTML, PDF and Rich Text Format using a programming language or XSL. A markup language is a modern system for annotating a text in a… … Wikipedia
Queen of Puddings — is a traditional British dessert, consisting of a baked, breadcrumb thickened egg custard, spread with jam and topped with meringue. Milk, vanilla extract, and lemon zest are heated to boiling in a saucepan. Sugar, butter and breadcrumbs are… … Wikipedia
Beef Wellington — is a preparation of beef tenderloin coated with pâté (often pâté de foie gras) and duxelles, which is then wrapped in puff pastry and baked.A whole tenderloin may be wrapped and baked, and then sliced for serving, or the tenderloin may be sliced… … Wikipedia
Lardy cake — Lardy cake, also known as Lardy bread, Lardy Johns, Dough cake or Fourses cake is a traditional bread from England. The main ingredients are lard (specifically freshly rendered pork lard), flour, sugar, spices, currants and raisins. [ [http://www … Wikipedia
Lincolnshire sausage — Lincolnshire sausages are a distinctive variety of pork sausage developed in and associated with the English county of Lincolnshire. A widely available variety at most UK butchers and supermarkets, the sausage is commonly dominated by herb… … Wikipedia
Oxford Marmalade — is a brand name of Frank Cooper, originally a British Oxford based company that made marmalades and jams. There are also recipes for homemade Oxford Marmalade. History Sarah Cooper (1848–1932) made her first batch of marmalade in 1874. She was… … Wikipedia
Kochrezeptverwaltung — Unter einer Rezeptverwaltung für Kochrezepte versteht man Anwendungssoftware, mit der Kochrezepte geschrieben, gespeichert, aufgerufen und angepasst werden können. Datenaustauschformate Als das weltweit meist verbreitete Format für Kochrezepte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Toast Melba — Melba Toast (auch Toast Melba) ist eine sehr trockene, knusprige und dünn geschnittene Toastsorte, die oft zu Suppen und Salaten serviert wird oder entweder mit geschmolzenem Käse oder pâté gekrönt wird. Sie ist benannt nach der australischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia