
I [rıʹsi:d] v
1. 1) отступать, пятиться

to recede a few paces - сделать несколько шагов назад, отступить на несколько шагов

2) удаляться; ретироваться

the ship recedes from the shore - корабль удаляется от берега

to recede into the background - а) отойти /отступить/ на задний план; б) (по)терять значение /интерес/

to recede from a position - сдать позицию; пойти на попятный

to recede from view - скрыться из глаз

2. (from) отказываться, отрекаться, отступать (от своих слов, взглядов и т. п.)

to recede from an opinion [from a promise] - отказаться /отречься/ от своего мнения [от обещания]

to recede from a contract [from an agreement] - отступить от контракта [от соглашения]

3. клониться назад; быть скошенным, срезанным

the cliff recedes abruptly from ifs base upwards - утёс резко сужается к вершине

4. 1) убывать, спадать, идти на убыль (особ. о воде)

the high water receded - вода спала, паводок пошёл на убыль

2) идти на убыль, сходить на нет

his power [his influence] seems to have receded - его власть [его влияние], видимо, сходит на нет

his capacities seem to have receded - его способности слабеют

5. забываться, стираться в памяти; отступать в прошлое

memories of childhood recede - воспоминания детства исчезают из памяти

as the months passed, her face receded from his mind - прошли месяцы, и он начал забывать её лицо

6. падать, понижаться (о ценах, акциях)

prices have receded - цены понизились

II [rıʹsi:d] v
возвращать захваченное; возвращать владельцу

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Смотреть что такое "recede" в других словарях:

  • recede — recede, retreat, retrograde, retract, back can all mean to move or seem to move in a direction that is exactly the opposite of ahead or forward. Recede stresses marked and usually gradually increasing distance from a given point, line, or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • recede — re‧cede [rɪˈsiːd] verb [intransitive] if prices, interest rates etc recede, they decrease: • Growth was expected to recede throughout the year. • The domestic market is receding. * * * recede UK US /rɪˈsiːd/ verb [I] ► to get lower in value,… …   Financial and business terms

  • Recede — Re*cede (r[ e]*s[=e]d ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Receded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Receding}.] [L. recedere, recessum; pref. re re + cedere to go, to go along: cf. F. rec[ e]der. See {Cede}.] 1. To move back; to retreat; to withdraw. [1913 Webster] Like… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Recede — Re*cede (r[=e]*s[=e]d ), v. t. [Pref. re + cede. Cf. {Recede}, v. i.] To cede back; to grant or yield again to a former possessor; as, to recede conquered territory. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • recede — recede1 [ri sēd′] vi. receded, receding [L recedere: see RE & CEDE] 1. to go or move back [the high water receded] 2. to withdraw (from) [to recede from a promise] 3. to slope backward …   English World dictionary

  • recede — index decrease, depart, diminish, ebb, erode, escheat, regress, retire (retreat) …   Law dictionary

  • recédé — recédé, ée (re sé dé, dée) part. passé de recéder …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • recede — (v.) late 15c., from M.Fr. receder, from L. recedere to go back, withdraw, from re back (see RE (Cf. re )) + cedere to go (see CEDE (Cf. cede)). Related: Receded; receding …   Etymology dictionary

  • recede — [v] withdraw; diminish abate, back, close, decline, decrease, depart, die off, diminish, drain away, draw back, drop, dwindle, ebb, fade, fall back, flow back, go away, go back, lessen, reduce, regress, retire, retract, retreat, retrocede,… …   New thesaurus

  • recede — ► VERB 1) move back or further away. 2) gradually diminish. 3) (of a man s hair) cease to grow at the temples and above the forehead. 4) (receding) (of a facial feature) sloping backwards. ORIGIN Latin recedere go back …   English terms dictionary

  • recede — [[t]rɪsi͟ːd[/t]] recedes, receding, receded 1) VERB If something recedes from you, it moves away. [V prep] Luke s footsteps receded into the night... As she receded he waved goodbye. [V ing] ...the receding lights of the car. 2) VERB When… …   English dictionary

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