
[ʹredılı] adv
1. с готовностью, охотно

to consent readily - не заставлять себя просить, охотно согласиться

2. легко, просто, без труда

she is not readily moved to tears - её нелегко довести до слёз

it can readily be understood that ... - нетрудно понять, что ...

the facts may readily be ascertained - факты можно легко установить

3. быстро, сразу, без задержки

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "readily" в других словарях:

  • Readily — Read i*ly (r[e^]d [i^]*l[y^]), adv. 1. In a ready manner; quickly; promptly. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. Without delay or objection; without reluctance; willingly; cheerfully. [1913 Webster] How readily we wish time spent revoked! Cowper. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • readily — adverb eagerly, easily, effortlessly, enthusiastically, freely, gladly, graciously, heartily, lief, prompte, promptly, quickly, smoothly, voluntarily willingly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • readily — (adv.) early 14c., from READY (Cf. ready) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • readily — [adv] quickly; effortlessly at once, at the drop of a hat*, cheerfully, eagerly, easily, facilely, freely, gladly, hands down*, immediately, in a jiffy*, in no time*, lightly, no sweat*, nothing to it*, piece of cake*, promptly, quick as a wink* …   New thesaurus

  • readily — ► ADVERB 1) without hesitation; willingly. 2) without difficulty; easily …   English terms dictionary

  • readily — [red′ə lē] adv. [ME redili: see READY & LY2] 1. without hesitation; willingly 2. without delay; quickly 3. without difficulty; easily …   English World dictionary

  • readily — [[t]re̱dɪli[/t]] 1) ADV GRADED: ADV with v If you do something readily, you do it in a way which shows that you are very willing to do it. I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she readily agreed... When I was invited to the… …   English dictionary

  • readily — read|i|ly [ redıli ] adverb * 1. ) easily: Some computer instructions cannot be readily understood. readily available (=easy to obtain): The equipment was cheap and readily available. 2. ) in a way that shows that you are willing: She had readily …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • readily */*/ — UK [ˈredɪlɪ] / US adverb 1) easily Some computer instructions cannot be readily understood. readily available (= easy to obtain): The equipment was cheap and readily available. 2) in a way that shows that you are willing She had readily agreed to …   English dictionary

  • readily — read|i|ly W3 [ˈredıli] adv 1.) quickly and easily ▪ Boats are readily available to visitors. ▪ The information is readily accessible on the Internet. 2.) quickly, willingly, and without complaining ▪ Jack readily agreed to help …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • readily — adverb Date: 14th century in a ready manner: as a. without hesitating ; willingly < readily accepted advice > b. without much difficulty ; easily < for reasons that anyone could readily understand > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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