- raucous
- [ʹrɔ:kəs] a
хриплый, сиплый или резкий, пронзительный (о голосе, смехе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Raucous — Rau cous (r[add] k[u^]s), a. [L. raucus.] Hoarse; harsh; rough; as, a raucous, thick tone. His voice slightly raucous. Aytoun. {Rau cous*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
raucous — [rô′kəs, rä′kəs] adj. [L raucus < IE echoic base * reu , to give hoarse cries, mutter > L rumor, OE reon, to lament] 1. hoarse; rough sounding [a raucous shout] 2. loud and rowdy [a raucous party] raucously adv. raucousness n … English World dictionary
raucous — [adj1] noisy, rough absonant, acute, atonal, blaring, blatant, braying, brusque, cacophonous, discordant, dissonant, dry, earpiercing, grating, grinding, gruff, harsh, hoarse, husky, inharmonious, jarring, loud, piercing, rasping, sharp,… … New thesaurus
raucous — (adj.) 1769, from L. raucus hoarse, related to ravus hoarse, from PIE echoic base *reu make hoarse cries (Cf. Skt. rayati barks, ravati roars; Gk. oryesthai to howl, roar; L. racco a roar; O.C.S. rjevo … Etymology dictionary
raucous — *loud, stentorian, earsplitting, hoarse, strident, stertorous Analogous words: *rough, harsh: gruff, brusque (see BLUFF) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
raucous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ making or constituting a harsh, loud noise. DERIVATIVES raucously adverb raucousness noun. ORIGIN Latin raucus hoarse … English terms dictionary
raucous — rau|cous [ˈro:kəs US ˈro: ] adj [Date: 1700 1800; : Latin; Origin: raucus] 1.) sounding unpleasantly loud ▪ He burst into raucous laughter . ▪ raucous cheers 2.) impolite, noisy, and violent ▪ A group of raucous students spilled out of the bar. ▪ … Dictionary of contemporary English
raucous — [[t]rɔ͟ːkəs[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A raucous sound is loud, harsh, and rather unpleasant. They heard a bottle being smashed, then more raucous laughter. ...the raucous cries of the sea birds. ...a raucous crowd of 25,000 delirious fans.… … English dictionary
raucous — raucously, adv. raucousness, raucity /raw si tee/, n. /raw keuhs/, adj. 1. harsh; strident; grating: raucous voices; raucous laughter. 2. rowdy; disorderly: a raucous party. [1760 70; < L raucus hoarse, harsh, rough; see OUS] Syn. 1. rough,… … Universalium
raucous — rau|cous [ rɔkəs ] adjective 1. ) rude, noisy, and violent: a raucous gang of teenagers 2. ) a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough: Raucous laughter came from inside. ╾ rau|cous|ly adverb … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
raucous — adjective Etymology: Latin raucus hoarse; akin to Latin ravis hoarseness Date: 1769 1. disagreeably harsh or strident ; hoarse < raucous voices > 2. boisterously disorderly < a…raucous frontier town Truman Capote > Synonyms: see loud • rauc … New Collegiate Dictionary