- ratoon
- 1. [ræʹtu:n] n с.-х.
отросток от корня; отводок; детка (в луковице)2. [ræʹtu:n] v с.-х.1) давать новые отростки2) отрастать (об отаве)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ratoon — [ra to͞on′] n. [Sp retoño < retoñar, to sprout again < re (< L re ), again + otoñar, to grow in autumn < L autumnare < autumnus,AUTUMN] a shoot growing from the root of a plant (esp. the sugar cane) that has been cut down vi. to… … English World dictionary
Ratoon — Ra*toon (r[.a]*t[=oo]n ), n. 1. Same as {Rattoon}, n. [1913 Webster] 2. A rattan cane. [Obs.] Pepys. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ratoon — Ra*toon , v. i. Same as {Rattoon}, v. i. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ratoon — 1. noun A shoot sprouting from the root of a cropped plant, especially sugar cane. Their field tasks were somewhat easier than those of the great gang: cleaning and banking young canes, turning over trash or ratoon pieces (canes sprouting from… … Wiktionary
ratoon — n. shoot that sprouts from the base of a crop plant (such as pineapple, sugarcane or bananas) after the preceding growth has been cut back; crop produced on such ratoon … English contemporary dictionary
ratoon crop — noun see ratoon I, 2 … Useful english dictionary
ratoon — I. noun Etymology: Spanish retoño, from retoñar to sprout, from re (from Latin) + otoñar to grow in autumn, from otoño autumn, from Latin autumnus Date: 1631 1. a shoot of a perennial plant (as sugarcane) 2. a crop (as of bananas) produced on… … New Collegiate Dictionary
ratoon — ratooner, n. /ra toohn /, n. 1. a sprout or shoot from the root of a plant, esp. a sugarcane, after it has been cropped. v.i., v.t. 2. to put forth or cause to put forth ratoons. Also, rattoon. [1625 35; < Sp retoño sprout, deriv. of retoñar to… … Universalium
ratoon — [rə tu:n] noun a new shoot springing from the base of a crop plant, especially sugar cane, after cropping. verb produce or cause to produce ratoons. Origin C17: from Sp. retoño a sprout … English new terms dictionary
ratoon — ra·toon … English syllables
ratoon — ra•toon [[t]ræˈtun[/t]] n. 1) bot a sprout or shoot from the root of a plant, esp. a sugarcane, after it has been cropped 2) bot to put forth or cause to put forth ratoons • Etymology: 1625–35; < Sp retoño sprout, der. of retoñar to sprout… … From formal English to slang