- bank call
- [ʹbæŋkkɔ:l] амер.
ревизия банка
a spring bank call found most banks in good condition - весенняя ревизия показала, что дела большинства банков идут неплохо
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
a spring bank call found most banks in good condition - весенняя ревизия показала, что дела большинства банков идут неплохо
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
bank call — noun Etymology: bank (IV) : a periodic demand made usually quarterly by the Comptroller of Currency of the United States upon national banks and by the heads of the banking departments of the several states upon state banks and trust companies… … Useful english dictionary
bank — 1. A bank is an institution, usually incorporated, whose business it is to receive money on deposit, cash checks or drafts, discount commercial paper, make loans, and issue promissory notes payable to bearer, known as bank notes. U.C.C. No. 1… … Black's law dictionary
bank — 1. A bank is an institution, usually incorporated, whose business it is to receive money on deposit, cash checks or drafts, discount commercial paper, make loans, and issue promissory notes payable to bearer, known as bank notes. U.C.C. No. 1… … Black's law dictionary
Bank of America Home Loans — Type Subsidiary of Bank of America Founded 1969 (Countrywide), February 2009 (Bank of America Home Loans) Headquarters Calabasas, CA, USA (Countrywide Financial) Cha … Wikipedia
Bank pool — is a Pocket billiards game that has as it most fundamental requirement, that all scoring shots in the game to be made by Cuegloss|Bank shot|banking a called ball off a Cuegloss|Cushion|cushion and into a called pocket. While the game has multiple … Wikipedia
Bank fraud — is the use of fraudulent means to obtain money, assets, or other property owned or held by a financial institution. In many instances, bank fraud is a criminal offense. While the specific elements of a particular banking fraud law vary between… … Wikipedia
Bank of America Corporate Center — is located in the center of Uptown Charlotte General information Location 100 North Tryon Street … Wikipedia
Bank of England — Bank von England Bank of England … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bank von England — Bank of England … Deutsch Wikipedia
call — 1 vt 1: to announce or recite loudly call ed the civil trial list 2: to admit (a person) as a barrister was call ed to the bar 3: to demand payment of esp. by formal notice call … Law dictionary
call account — ➔ account1 * * * call account UK US noun [C] (UK ► BANKING a bank account in which you can invest money that earns a higher rate of interest than in an ordinary account, and from which you can take money when you need it, if you tell the bank a… … Financial and business terms