- rasping
- [ʹrɑ:spıŋ] a
1) скрежещущий, резкий, режущий (о звуке)2) скрипучий (о голосе)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
rasping — raspingly, adv. raspingness, n. /ras ping, rah sping/, adj. 1. harsh; grating: a rasping voice. n. 2. a minute piece removed by rasping: raspings of sawed wood. 3. raspings, dry bread crumbs. [1650 60; RASP + ING2, ING1] * * * … Universalium
rasping — 1. adjective raspy He spoke in a rasping voice due to throat cancer. 2. noun A rasping sound … Wiktionary
Rasping — Rasp Rasp (r[.a]sp), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Rasped} (r[.a]spt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Rasping}.] [OF. rasper, F. r[^a]per, to scrape, grate, rasp, fr. OHG. rasp[=o]n to scrape together, to collect, probably akin to E. rap. Cf. {Rap} to snatch.] [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rasping — adj. Rasping is used with these nouns: ↑voice … Collocations dictionary
rasping — adjective the rasping voice on the phone sounded familiar Syn: harsh, grating, jarring; raspy, scratchy, hoarse, rough, gravelly, croaky, gruff, husky, throaty, guttural … Thesaurus of popular words
rasping — rasp•ing [[t]ˈræs pɪŋ, ˈrɑ spɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) harsh; grating: a rasping voice[/ex] 2) bui a minute piece of wood, etc., removed with a rasp 3) cvb raspings, dry breadcrumbs • Etymology: 1650–60 rasp′ing•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
rasping — /ˈraspɪŋ/ (say rahsping) adjective harsh: a rasping voice …
rasping — Synonyms and related words: ablation, ablative, abradant, abrasion, abrasive, air pollution, attrition, attritive, attritus, bones, bran, buffing, burnishing, chafe, chaff, chafing, cosmic dust, crumb, crumble, culm, deadwood, detrition,… … Moby Thesaurus
rasping — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. hoarse, grating, grinding; see harsh 1 , hoarse , raucous 1 . II (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Disagreeable to the sense of hearing: dry, grating, harsh, hoarse, jarring, raspy, raucous, rough, scratchy, squawky,… … English dictionary for students
rasping — rasp·ing || ræspɪŋ / rÉ‘Ë adj. (about a sound) grating, harsh, irritating ræsp /rÉ‘Ësp n. file, flat tool with an abrasive surface; act of scraping, act of scouring, abrasion v. scrape, abrade, scour … English contemporary dictionary
rasping — parings … Anagrams dictionary