
[ʹbænıʃ] v
1. 1) изгонять, подвергать изгнанию; ссылать, высылать

the native population was banished from the island by the colonialists - колонизаторы изгнали туземцев с острова

he banished himself voluntarily - он подверг себя добровольному изгнанию

2) уст. объявлять вне закона
2. прогонять, выгонять, выдворять

to banish from the house - выгнать из дому

to banish from one's presence - прогнать с глаз долой, приказать удалиться

3. отгонять (мысли и т. п.); избавляться

to banish fear - избавиться от страха

to banish shyness - преодолеть застенчивость

to banish suspicion - отбросить подозрения

you must banish all thought of ever reaching fame - вы должны отказаться от мысли о славе

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "banish" в других словарях:

  • Banish — Ban ish (b[a^]n [i^]sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Banished} (b[a^]n [i^]sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Banishing}.] [OF. banir, F. bannir, LL. bannire, fr. OHG. bannan to summon, fr. ban ban. See {Ban} an edict, and {Finish}, v. t.] 1. To condemn to exile,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • banish — banish, exile, expatriate, ostracize, deport, transport, extradite are comparable when denoting to remove by authority or force from a country, state, or sovereignty. To banish is to compel one, usually by public edict or sentence, to leave a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • banish — [ban′ish] vt. [ME banischen < extended stem of OFr banir < ML * bannire < Frank * bannjan, to order or prohibit under penalty < ban, akin to BAN1] 1. to exile 2. to send or put away; get rid of [to banish cares, to banish wrinkles]… …   English World dictionary

  • banish — (v.) late 14c., banischen, from banniss , extended stem of O.Fr. banir announce, proclaim; levy; forbid; banish, proclaim an outlaw, from Frankish *bannjan to order or prohibit under penalty, or from V.L. cognate *bannire (see BANDIT (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • banish — I verb abandon, ban, bar, cast out, condemn, deport, dismiss, dispel, disperse, displace, drive out, eliminate, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, export, extradite, isolate, ostracize, oust, outlaw, prohibit, proscribe, reject,… …   Law dictionary

  • banish — [v] expel from place or situation ban, cast out, deport, discard, discharge, dislodge, dismiss, dispel, drive away, eject, eliminate, eradicate, evict, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expulse, extradict, get rid of, isolate, ostracize …   New thesaurus

  • banish — ► VERB 1) make (someone) leave a place, especially as an official punishment. 2) get rid of; drive away. DERIVATIVES banishment noun. ORIGIN Old French banir …   English terms dictionary

  • banish */ — UK [ˈbænɪʃ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms banish : present tense I/you/we/they banish he/she/it banishes present participle banishing past tense banished past participle banished 1) a) to officially order someone to leave a country or region… …   English dictionary

  • banish — ban|ish [ˈbænıʃ] v [T] [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: banir] 1.) to not allow someone or something to stay in a particular place banish sb/sth from/to sth ▪ I have been banished to a distant corridor. 2.) to send someone away permanently …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • banish — [[t]bæ̱nɪʃ[/t]] banishes, banishing, banished 1) VERB If someone or something is banished from a place or area of activity, they are sent away from it and prevented from entering it. [be V ed from/to n] John was banished from England... [be V ed… …   English dictionary

  • banish — ban|ish [ bænıʃ ] verb transitive * 1. ) to officially order someone to leave a country or region as a punishment: banish from/to: a well known opponent of Stalin who was banished to Siberia a ) OFTEN HUMOROUS to make someone go somewhere else:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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