
[ʹræmdʒet] n ав.
1) прямоточный воздушно-реактивный двигатель (тж. ramjet engine)
2) самолёт с прямоточным воздушно-реактивным двигателем

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ramjet" в других словарях:

  • ramjet — 1942, from RAM (Cf. ram) (v.) + JET (Cf. jet) (v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ramjet — A ramjet, sometimes referred to as a stovepipe jet, or an athodyd, is a form of jet engine that contains no major moving parts. Unlike most other airbreathing jet engines, ramjets have no rotary compressor at the inlet, instead, the forward… …   Wikipedia

  • Ramjet — Von einem Staustrahltriebwerk angetriebener Flugkörper der NASA. Triebwerkstests in den USA 2002. Ein Staustrahltriebwerk (engl. Ramjet, als Überschallausführung Scramj …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ramjet — /ram jet /, n. a jet engine operated by the injection of fuel into a stream of air compressed by the forward speed of the aircraft. Also called ramjet engine. [1940 45; RAM + JET1] * * * Air breathing jet engine that operates with no major moving …   Universalium

  • ramjet — /ˈræmdʒɛt/ (say ramjet) noun a jet propulsion engine in which the stream of air drawn in for combustion is compressed by the forward speed of the aircraft. {ram1 + jet1} …  

  • ramjet — tiesiasrovis reaktyvinis variklis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Reaktyvinis variklis, neturintis kompresoriaus ir turbinos. Jo veikimas priklauso nuo suslėgto oro, gaunamo varikliui judant į priekį. atitikmenys: angl. ramjet pranc.… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • Ramjet (Transformers) — Ramjet is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. All have been Decepticon aligned characters who turn into jets. Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Ramjet caption = affiliation… …   Wikipedia

  • Ramjet (Transformers) — Ramjet est un personnage fictif de l univers Transformers. Transformers: Génération 1 Nom: Ramjet Affiliation: Decepticans Protoform: Deceptican Arme: Canon lasers Mode Alternative: Avion de chasse Tué par: Unicron Ramjet est le chef des nouveaux …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ramjet (disambiguation) — Ramjet may refer to:*Ramjet, the high speed propulsion engine free of moving parts *Ramjet (Transformers), a character in the Transformers toyline *Bussard ramjet, a theoretical form of spacecraft propulsion See also *Roger Ramjet, the animated… …   Wikipedia

  • ramjet (engine) — or ramjet [ram′jet΄] n. a jet engine, without moving parts, in which the air for oxidizing the fuel is continuously compressed by being rammed into the inlet by the high velocity of the aircraft * * * …   Universalium

  • ramjet (engine) — or ramjet [ram′jet΄] n. a jet engine, without moving parts, in which the air for oxidizing the fuel is continuously compressed by being rammed into the inlet by the high velocity of the aircraft …   English World dictionary

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