Смотреть что такое "raggy" в других словарях:
Raggy — Raggie Rag gie (r[a^]g g[i^]), or Raggy Rag gy, a. Ragged; rough. [Obs.] A stony and raggie hill. Holland. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
raggy — I. ˈragē adjective ( er/ est) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English raggig, from (assumed) ragg rag + ig y more at rag … Useful english dictionary
raggy — adjective informal ragged. Origin OE, of Scand. origin … English new terms dictionary
raggy — rag·gy … English syllables
The Raggy Dolls — was a 1980s British cartoon series for children, following the adventures of a motley collection of rejects from a toy factory, who lived in the reject bin.The series was created by Melvyn Jacobson, and produced for Yorkshire Television from 1986 … Wikipedia
Song for a Raggy Boy — is a 2003 film directed by Aisling Walsh. It is based of the book of the same name by Patrick Galvin and is based on true events.Tagline: Four walls. One faith. No identity. PlotThe film is set in 1939, on the brink of World War II, in the St.… … Wikipedia
Song for a Raggy Boy — est un film réalisé par Aisling Walsh en 2003. C est une coproduction entre l Irlande, la Grande Bretagne, le Danemark et l Espagne. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Production 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français
Give Me Liberty — For other uses, see Give Me Liberty (disambiguation). Give Me Liberty Cover to Give Me Liberty #1. Art by Dave Gibbons. Publication information … Wikipedia
Irish Film and Television Awards — The Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTAs) were first awarded in 1999. Its sole aim is to celebrate Ireland s small yet talented film and television community. The ceremony is considered Ireland s most prestigious awards event. The Irish Film… … Wikipedia
Chris Newman (actor) — Occupation Actor Years active 2003–present Chris Newman ,born 16 December 1987, is an Irish actor with roles in films Song for a Raggy Boy[1] and Perrier s Bounty and TV series The Clinic, Love is the Drug … Wikipedia
Robert Sheehan — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Robert Michael Sheehan o Robbie Sheehan, es un joven actor irlandés. Nació el 7 de enero de 1988, en Portlaoise (County Laois,Irlanda). Mide 1,83 y tiene un hermano mayor Brendan. Cita personal: No estoy seguro de si … Wikipedia Español