- radiumize
- [ʹreıdıəmaız] v мед.
лечить радием, облучать (опухоль)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
radiumize — ra·di·um·ize … English syllables
radiumize — ˈrādēəˌmīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Usage: see ize Etymology: radium (I) + ize : to subject to the action of radium the green effect in radiumized diamonds Time … Useful english dictionary
X ray — Synonyms and related words: Becquerel ray, ECG, EEG, EKG, Grenz ray, Photostat, Roentgen ray, X radiation, X ray movie, Xerox, actinic ray, actinism, alpha radiation, alpha ray, anode ray, atomic beam, atomic ray, beam, beam of light, beta… … Moby Thesaurus
activate — Synonyms and related words: accelerate, actuate, animate, arouse, atomize, awaken, bombard, charge, cleave, contaminate, cross bombard, energize, fission, galvanize, get going, impel, infect, initiate, irradiate, mobilize, motivate, move,… … Moby Thesaurus
charge — Synonyms and related words: accountability, accounting for, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accredit, accusal, accusation, accuse, accusing, achievement, action, activate, adjure, administration, admission, admission fee, admonish,… … Moby Thesaurus
contaminate — Synonyms and related words: activate, adulterate, alloy, bastardize, befoul, benasty, canker, charge, cheapen, coarsen, confound, corrupt, cut, debase, debauch, defile, deflower, degenerate, degrade, denaturalize, denature, deprave, desecrate,… … Moby Thesaurus
infect — Synonyms and related words: abuse, activate, adulterate, afflict, aggrieve, alloy, animate, befoul, benasty, bewitch, blight, canker, charge, cheapen, coarsen, condemn, confound, contaminate, corrupt, crucify, curse, damage, debase, debauch,… … Moby Thesaurus
irradiate — Synonyms and related words: X ray, activate, anhydrate, beacon, blast freeze, brighten, brighten up, brine, charge, contaminate, corn, cure, dehydrate, desiccate, dry, dry cure, dry salt, edify, embalm, enlighten, evaporate, flood with light,… … Moby Thesaurus
poison — Synonyms and related words: Cain, DDD, DDT, Paris green, abomination, abuse, acaricide, activate, adulterate, adulteration, afflict, aggrieve, alloy, annihilate, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antimony, antiseptic, apache, arsenic, arsenic trioxide,… … Moby Thesaurus