radio noise

radio noise
1) радиопомехи
2) космический радиошум

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "radio noise" в других словарях:

  • radio noise — radijo dažnių triukšmas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Radijo dažnių diapazono triukšmas. atitikmenys: angl. radio frequency noise; radio noise vok. Hochfrequenzrauschen, n rus. радиочастотный шум, m pranc. bruit… …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • radio noise — radijo dažnių triukšmas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. radio frequency noise; radio noise vok. hochfrequenzes Rauschen, n rus. радиочастотный шум, m pranc. bruit radioélectrique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • radio noise — noun static at radio wavelengths (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑static, ↑atmospherics, ↑atmospheric static * * * radio noise, radio emission, especially from a radio star or pulsar, characterized by random or erratic changes of amplitude or frequency …   Useful english dictionary

  • Radio noise source — A radio noise source is a device that emits radio waves at a certain frequency, used to calibrate radio telescopes such that received data may be compared to a known value, as well as to find the focal point of a telescope soon after construction …   Wikipedia

  • radio noise — A noise or a disturbance in radio wave reception that may be caused by poor quality components, bad contacts, small thermal motion within the sets that appears as a hissing noise in speakers and grass on radar screens, and external atmospheric… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Radio jamming — is the (usually deliberate) transmission of radio signals that disrupt communications by decreasing the signal to noise ratio. Unintentional jamming occurs when an operator transmits on a busy frequency without checking that it is in use first,… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise figure — (NF) is a measure of degradation of the signal to noise ratio (SNR), caused by components in a radio frequency (RF) signal chain. The noise figure is defined as the ratio of the output noise power of a device to the portion thereof attributable… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise shaping — is a technique typically used in digital audio, image, and video processing, usually in combination with dithering, as part of the process of quantization or bit depth reduction of a digital signal. Its purpose is to increase the apparent signal… …   Wikipedia

  • Noise (audio) — Noise in audio, recording, and broadcast systems refers to the residual low level sound (usually hiss and hum) that is heard in quiet periods of a programme. In audio engineering, it can refer either to the acoustic noise from loudspeakers, or to …   Wikipedia

  • Noise measurement — is carried out in various fields. In acoustics, it can be for the purpose of measuring environmental noise, or part of a test procedure using white noise, or some other specialised form of test signal. In electronics it relates to the sensitivity …   Wikipedia

  • Radio source — can mean:* An astronomical radio source. * A radio transmitter. * The Radio Open Source podcast and also* Radio noise source. * Source Radio, a radio station operating from Coventry, England …   Wikipedia

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