radio homing beacon

radio homing beacon
[ʹreıdıəʋʹhəʋmıŋ͵bi:kən] ав.
приводной радиомаяк

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "radio homing beacon" в других словарях:

  • beacon — n. 1) a homing; landing; radar; radio; rotating beacon 2) (BE) a Belisha beacon ( a light marking a pedestrian crossing ) 3) a beacon to (to serve as a beacon to others) * * * [ biːkən] landing radar radio: rotating beacon a homing (BE) a Belisha …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Radio direction finder — Civil Air Patrol members practice using a handheld radio direction finder to locate an emergency locator transmitter …   Wikipedia

  • Non-directional beacon — Radio Tower of NKR Leimen Ochsenbach, Germany This symbol denotes an NDB on an aeronaut …   Wikipedia

  • personal locator beacon — An emergency radio locator beacon with a two way speech facility carried by crew members, either on their person or in their survival equipment, and capable of providing homing signals to assist search and rescue operations. Also called PLB. See… …   Military dictionary

  • personal locator beacon — An emergency radio locator beacon used normally with a two way speech facility. The beacon is carried by crewmembers, either on their person or in their survival equipment, and can provide homing signals to assist search and rescue operations.… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Personal Locator Beacon — Verschiedene Notfunkbaken Eine Notfunkbake (engl. emergency position indicating radio beacon, EPIRB) ist ein kleiner Funksender, mit dessen Hilfe Satelliten oder Search and Rescue Einsatzkräfte rettungsbedürftige Schiffe, Personen oder Flugzeuge… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Luftwaffe radio equipment (Funkgerät) of WW II — During World War II, the German Luftwaffe relied on an increasingly diverse array of communications , IFF and RDF equipment for use in their aircraft and on the ground. Most of this equipment received the generic prefix FuG for FunkGerät or Radio …   Wikipedia

  • nondirectional beacon — A radio navigational aid that enables the pilot to obtain his bearing from a transmitting station. A transmitter operating in long or medium wave frequencies, or even in UHFs (ultrahigh frequencies), with the code of the station superimposed on… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Rebecca/Eureka transponding radar — The Rebecca/Eureka transponding radar was a transponder system used as a radio homing beacon by means of a Eureka ground emitter responding to queries from an airborne Rebecca interrogator. OperationThe airborne Rebecca interrogator transmitted… …   Wikipedia

  • Distress radiobeacon — PLB redirects here. For other uses, see PLB (disambiguation). Emergency position indicating radio beacons or EPIRBs Distress radio beacons, also known as emergency beacons, ELT or EPIRB, are tracking transmitters which aid in the detection and… …   Wikipedia

  • List of World War II electronic warfare equipment — This is a List of World War II electronic warfare equipment and code words and tactics derived directly from the use of electronic equipment.Equipment and code words*AI (Airborne Interception) British night fighter radars *Airborne Cigar (A.B.C.) …   Wikipedia

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