

1> _физ. запрещенная (энергетическая) зона

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "bandgap" в других словарях:

  • Bandgap voltage reference — A bandgap voltage reference is a voltage reference circuit widely used in integrated circuits, usually with an output voltage around 1.25 V, close to the theoretical 1.22 eV bandgap of silicon at 0 K.OperationThe voltage difference between two… …   Wikipedia

  • Bandgap-Referenz — Als Bandabstandsreferenz bezeichnet man eine Referenzspannungsquelle, deren Ausgangsspannung in temperaturkompensiertem Zustand der Bandabstandsspannung eines Halbleiters entspricht. Je nach Halbleitermaterial, Silizium oder Galliumarsenid,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bandgap — Als Bandlücke (engl. band gap), auch Bandabstand bzw. verbotene Zone genannt, wird der energetische Abstand zwischen Valenzband und Leitungsband eines Festkörpers bezeichnet. Dessen elektrische und optische Eigenschaften werden wesentlich durch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • bandgap — noun The energy difference between two allowed ranges of electron energy in a solid; especially the difference between the energies of the valence band and the conduction band …   Wiktionary

  • bandgap — band·gap …   English syllables

  • bandgap — ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: band (I) + gap : the difference in energy between the valence band and the conduction band of a solid material (as an insulator or semiconductor) that consists of the range of energy values forbidden to electrons in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wide bandgap semiconductors — are semiconductor materials with electronic band gaps larger than one or two electronvolts (eV). The exact threshold of wideness often depends on the application, such as optoelectronic and power devices. Wide bandgap materials are often utilized …   Wikipedia

  • Brokaw bandgap reference — is a voltage reference circuit widely used in integrated circuits, with an output voltage around 1.25 V with only little temperature dependence. This particular circuit is one type of a bandgap voltage reference, named after the author of its… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct bandgap — In semiconductor physics, a direct bandgap means that the minimum energy of the conduction band lies directly above the maximum energy of the valence band in momentum space. In a direct bandgap semiconductor, electrons at the conduction band… …   Wikipedia

  • Indirect bandgap — In semiconductor physics, an indirect bandgap is a bandgap in which the minimum energy in the conduction band is shifted by a k vector relative to the valence band. The k vector difference represents a difference in momentum.Semiconductors that… …   Wikipedia

  • Silicon bandgap temperature sensor — The silicon bandgap temperature sensor is an extremely common form of temperature sensor (thermometer) used in electronic equipment. Its main advantage is that it can be included in a silicon integrated circuit at very low cost. The principle of… …   Wikipedia

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