
[ʹkwəʋtə] n
1. 1) доля, часть, квота

inspection quota - дип. квота инспекций (в системе контроля над разоружением)

2) минимальное число, необходимое при голосовании
2. эк. квота

export [import] quota - экспортная [импортная] квота

to take up a quota - выбрать /использовать/ квоту

quota immigrant - эмигрант, прибывающий в США в счёт квоты своей страны

3. амер. количество эмигрантов, которым разрешён въезд

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quota" в других словарях:

  • quota — quota …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • quota — [ k(w)ɔta ] n. m. • 1927; angl. quota, mot lat., abrév. de quota pars → quote part ♦ Contingent ou pourcentage déterminé. Quotas laitiers. Quota d immigration (aux États Unis). Douanes Quotas d importations, d exportations : quantité de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Quota — may refer to:Affirmative action * Racial quota * Reservations in India * Quotas in PakistanComputing * Disk quota * Download quota * Upload quotaElectoral systems * Election threshold * Droop quota * Hagenbach Bischoff quota * Hare quota *… …   Wikipedia

  • quota — / kwɔta/ s.f. [dal lat. quota (pars ) a quanta (parte) , femm. di quotus quanto ]. 1. a. [parte di una somma globale di denaro dovuta da ciascuno dei partecipanti a un attività e sim.: q. di iscrizione ] ▶◀ caratura, pro quota. ‖ tassa. b.… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • quota — quo·ta / kwō tə/ n [Medieval Latin, from Latin quota pars how great a part] 1: a proportional part or share assigned to each in a body 2: a specific amount that serves as a minimum or maximum a law against traffic ticket quota s Merriam Webster’s …   Law dictionary

  • quota — |ó| s. f. 1. Porção ou parte fixa e determinada. = QUINHÃO, QUOTA PARTE 2. Parte que toca a cada uma das pessoas que devem pagar ou receber uma quantia. = PARCELA, QUINHÃO, QUOTA PARTE 3. Prestação periódica a pagar, muitas vezes mensal.… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Quota — Quo ta (kw[=o] t[.a]), n. [LL., fr. L. quota (sc. pars), fr. quotus which or what in number, of what number, how many, fr. quot how many, akin to quis, qui, who: cf. It. quota a share. See {Who}.] 1. A proportional part or share; the share or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quota — (n.) 1660s, from M.L. quota, from L. quota pars how large a part, from quota, fem. singular of quotus which, what number (in sequence). See QUOTE (Cf. quote). Earliest reference is to contributions of soldiers or supplies levied from a town or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • quota — ► NOUN 1) a limited quantity of a product which may be produced, exported, or imported. 2) a share that one is entitled to receive or bound to contribute. 3) a fixed number of a group allowed to do something, e.g. immigrants entering a country.… …   English terms dictionary

  • quota — [kwōt′ə] n. [ML, short for L quota pars, how large a part: fem. of quotus: see QUOTE] 1. a share or proportion which each of a number is called upon to contribute, or which is assigned to each; proportional share ☆ 2. the number or proportion… …   English World dictionary

  • quota — has the plural form quotas …   Modern English usage

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