- quod vide
- [͵kwɒdʹvi:deı] лат.
(что) смотри (на такой-то странице и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
quod vide — which see (in cross references etc.). Usage: Abbr.: q.v. Etymology: L * * * /kwod vuy dee, vee day/. See q.v. (def. 2). [ < L: which see] * * * quod vide /vīˈdē, viˈ or wiˈde/ (pl quae vide /kwē, kwī/) Wh … Useful english dictionary
quod vide — (pl. ♦ quae vide) which see (abbr. q.v.; ♦ pl. ♦ abbr. qq.v.) … Dictionary of difficult words
quod vide — foreign term Etymology: Latin which see … New Collegiate Dictionary
quod vide — /kwod vuy dee, vee day/. See q.v. (def. 2). [ < L: which see] * * * … Universalium
quod vide — (Abbr. q.v.) (Lat.) Which see ; used for cross references … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
quod vide — (Latin) see, refer to (used to refer readers to a different place in the text) … English contemporary dictionary
quod vide — /kwod vaydiy/ Which see. A direction to the reader to look to another part of the book, or to another book, there named, for further related information. Usually abbreviated q.v … Black's law dictionary
quod vide — Which see: usually abbreviated, “q. v.” … Ballentine's law dictionary
QUOD-NON-EST — Platoni dicta est Materia prima. Clemens Alexandr. l. 5. Strom. iuxta Interpretem, Ita inquiunt, sed Materiam ponunt Philosophi et Storci et Pythagoras, Aristoteles quinetiam Paeripateticus, non autem unum principtum Sciant ergo eam, quae vocatur … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
QUOD-NORUNT-FIDELES — formula, quâ S. Cenam Patres olim indigitabant. non enim solum nefas tum habitum, Mysteria literis committere, voce tantum tradenda, ut Erasmus docet in Hieron. Apolog. ad Domnion verb. Κατηχητὰς, addens, se in autiquissimo quodam Codice legisse … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
SOLON quod SOLONIUM Dioni — SOLON, quod SOLONIUM Dioni Allobrogum urbs. Epitome Livii, Dio, etc. ubi, post caedem Catilinae, Caium pontinium Praetorem Allobroges, qui rebelaverant, domuisse scribit Florus in epit. 103. l. Livii: in provinc. Viennensi, hodie forte la Sone,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale