
1. [ʹkwıntık] n мат.
алгебраическая функция пятой степени; поверхность пятого порядка
2. [ʹkwıntık] a мат.
пятого порядка, пятой степени

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "quintic" в других словарях:

  • Quintic — Quin tic, a. [L. quintus fifth, fr. quinque five.] (Alg.) Of the fifth degree or order. n. (Alg.) A quantic of the fifth degree. See {Quantic}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quintic — 1. adjective Of or relating to the fifth degree, such as a quintic polynomial which has the form ax+bx+cx+dx+ex+f (containing a term with the independent variable raised to the fifth power). 2. noun a quintic polynomial: ax+bx+cx+dx+ex+f …   Wiktionary

  • quintic — I. ˈkwintik adjective Etymology: quint + ic 1. : of the fifth degree 2. : having five links a quintic chain II. noun ( s) : a polynomial or polynomial eq …   Useful english dictionary

  • Quintic equation — In mathematics, a quintic equation is a polynomial equation of degree five. It is of the form::ax^5+bx^4+cx^3+dx^2+ex+f=0, where a e 0.(if a = 0, then the equation becomes a quartic equation). (if a and b = 0, then the equation becomes a cubic… …   Wikipedia

  • Quintic equation — Eine Gleichung fünften Grades oder quintische Gleichung ist in der Mathematik ein Polynom vom Grad fünf. Es ist von der Form ax5 + bx4 + cx3 + dx2 + ex + f = 0, wobei die Koeffizienten a,b,c,d,e und f Elemente eines Körpers (typischerweise die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • quintic — I. adjective Etymology: Latin quintus fifth Date: 1853 of the fifth degree II. noun Date: 1856 a polynomial or a polynomial equation of the fifth degree …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • quintic — /kwin tik/, Math. adj. 1. of the fifth degree. n. 2. a quantity of the fifth degree. 3. an equation of the fifth degree. [1850 55; < L quint(us) FIFTH + IC] * * * …   Universalium

  • quintic — quin·tic …   English syllables

  • quintic — quin•tic [[t]ˈkwɪn tɪk[/t]] Math. 1) math. of the fifth degree 2) math. a quantity of the fifth degree • Etymology: 1850–55; < L quīnt(us) fifth+ ic …   From formal English to slang

  • quintic — /ˈkwɪntɪk/ (say kwintik) Mathematics –adjective 1. of the fifth degree or order. –noun 2. a quantity of the fifth degree. {Latin quint(us) fifth + ic} …  

  • quintic —   a. Mathematics, of or pertaining to fifth degree …   Dictionary of difficult words

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