- quillai quillaja
quillai, quillaja
1> _бот. килайа (Quillaja gen.)
2> кора килайи, мыльная кора
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
quillaja — ● quillaja nom masculin Nom générique de l arbre d Amérique du Sud qui fournit le bois de Panamá. quillaja [kilaʒa; kɥijaxa] n. m. ÉTYM. 1839, quillai; mot espagnol du Chili, mot local (indien ?). ❖ ♦ Bot. Plante dicotylédone (Rosacées, tribu … Encyclopédie Universelle
quillaja — kwīˈlāyə, jə noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from American Spanish quillai, quillay : a genus of trees (family Rosaceae) native to Brazil, Peru, and Chile and distinguished by their saponaceous bark see soapbark * * * Quillaja … Useful english dictionary
Quillaja — Quil|la|ja 〈f.; Gen.: , Pl.: s; Bot.〉 in Südamerika heim. Baum, aus dem Quillajarinde gewonnen wird, Seifenbaum: Quillaja saponaria [Etym.: <span.( amerikan.) quillai, quillay <araukan.] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
quillaja — quil·la·ja kwi lā yə, jə n 1) cap a genus of trees of the rose family (Rosaceae) native to Brazil, Peru, and Chile, distinguished by their saponaceous bark, and including the soapbark (Q. saponaria) 2) SOAPBARK (2) * * * Quil·la·ja (kwĭ… … Medical dictionary
Quillaia — is the milled inner bark or small stems and branches of the soapbark ( Quillaja saponaria , Molina). Other names include China bark extract, Murillo bark extract, Panama bark extract, Quillai extract, Quillaia extract, Quillay bark extract,… … Wikipedia
Lago Peñuelas (Nationales Reservat) — Lago Peñuelas Das nationale Reservat Lago Peñuelas liegt in Chile in der Región de Valparaíso. Er ist Biosphärenreservat der UNESCO. Geographie Der Nationalpark liegt rund 30 km östlich von Valparaíso und Viña del Mar … Deutsch Wikipedia
quillaia — [kwi lā′yə, kwilā′jəki lī′ə, kwi lā′yə] n. 〚Sp < the Araucanian native name〛 SOAPBARK (sense 1): also quillai [ki lī′] or quillaja [kwi lā′yə, kwilā′jə] * * * … Universalium
κουιλλάγα — η βοτ. γένος αγγειόσπερμων δικότυλων φυτών τής οικογένειας ροδίδες. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Μεταφορά στην ελλ. ξεν. όρου, πρβλ. αγγλ. quillaja < λατινοαμερικαν. quillai, quillay] … Dictionary of Greek
soapbark — /ˈsoʊpbak/ (say sohpbahk) noun 1. a Chilean tree, Quillaja saponaria, bearing undivided evergreen leaves and small white flowers. 2. the inner bark of this tree, used as a substitute for soap; quillai bark. {soap + bark2} …
quillaia — [kwi lā′yə, kwilā′jəki lī′ə, kwi lā′yə] n. [Sp < the Araucanian native name] SOAPBARK (sense 1): also quillai [ki lī′] or quillaja [kwi lā′yə, kwilā′jə] … English World dictionary