- queuer
- [ʹkju:ə] n
тот, кто стоит в очереди
the queuers were hoping for standing room - очередь надеялась на стоячие места
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the queuers were hoping for standing room - очередь надеялась на стоячие места
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
queuer — noun see queue II … New Collegiate Dictionary
queuer — noun One who, or that which, queues; a person waiting in line … Wiktionary
queuer — queu·er … English syllables
queuer — ü(ə)r, üə noun ( s) : one that queues queuers were hoping for standing room Time … Useful english dictionary
queue — queuer, n. /kyooh/, n., v., queued, queuing. n. 1. a braid of hair worn hanging down behind. 2. a file or line, esp. of people waiting their turn. 3. Computers. a FIFO organized sequence of items, as data, messages, jobs, or the like, waiting for … Universalium
Client honeypot — Honeypots are security devices whose value lie in being probed and compromised. Traditional honeypots are servers (or devices that expose server services) that wait passively to be attacked. Client Honeypots are active security devices in search… … Wikipedia
queue — I. noun Etymology: French, literally, tail, from Old French cue, coe, Latin cauda, coda Date: 1748 1. a braid of hair usually worn hanging at the back of the head 2. a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles 3. a. a sequence of messages or … New Collegiate Dictionary
Queue area — Queue areas are places in which people in line (first come, first served) wait for goods or services. Examples include the DMV, checking out groceries or other goods that have been collected in a self service shop, in a shop without self service … Wikipedia
queue — /kju / (say kyooh) noun 1. a file or line of people, vehicles, etc., waiting in turn to obtain something, enter a place, proceed along a road, etc. 2. a braid of hair worn hanging down behind. –verb (i) (queued, queuing or queueing) Also, queue… …