- quartered
- [ʹkwɔ:təd] a
разделённый на четыре части
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Quartered — Quar tered, a. 1. Divided into four equal parts or quarters; separated into four parts or regions. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. Furnished with quarters; provided with shelter or entertainment. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 3. Quarter sawed; said of timber,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quartered — index situated Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
quartered — [kwôrt′ərd] adj. 1. divided into quarters 2. provided with quarters or lodgings 3. quartersawed … English World dictionary
Quartered — Quarter Quar ter (kw[aum]r t[ e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Quartered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Quartering}.] 1. To divide into four equal parts. [1913 Webster] 2. To divide; to separate into parts or regions. [1913 Webster] Then sailors quartered heaven.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quartered — coun·ter·quartered; quartered; … English syllables
quartered — /kwawr teuhrd/, adj. 1. divided into quarters. 2. furnished with quarters or lodging. 3. (of wood) quartersawed. 4. Heraldry. a. (of an escutcheon) divided into four or more parts. b. (of a cross) having the central square portion removed. [1475… … Universalium
quartered — Synonyms and related words: billeted, cleft, cloven, cracked, cut, domiciled, domiciliated, housed, in pieces, in shreds, lacerate, lacerated, mangled, mutilated, quadrifid, quadrifoliate, quadriform, quadrifurcate, quadrigeminal, quadripartite,… … Moby Thesaurus
quartered — adj. divided into fourths; divided into parts; housed, lodged quar·ter || kwÉ”rtÉ™(r) / kwÉ”ËtÉ™ adj. being one fourth; being one forth in quality; having four equal parts n. one fourth; neighborhood; coin worth 25 cents (used in USA and… … English contemporary dictionary
quartered — /ˈkwɔtəd/ (say kwawtuhd) adjective 1. divided into quarters. 2. provided with quarters or lodging. 3. (of timber) quartersawn. 4. Heraldry a. divided or arranged quarterly. b. (of a cross) having a square piece missing in the centre …
QUARTERED — … Useful english dictionary
Hanged, drawn and quartered — The execution of Hugh Despenser the Younger, as depicted in the Froissart of Louis of Gruuthuse To be hanged, drawn and quartered was from 1351 a penalty in England for men convicted of high treason, although the ritual was first recorded during… … Wikipedia