- quartan
- 1. [ʹkwɔ:tn] n мед.
квартана, четырёхдневная малярия2. [ʹkwɔ:tn] a мед.четырёхдневный
quartan fever = quartan I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
quartan fever = quartan I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
quartan — ⇒QUARTAN, subst. masc. CHASSE. Quatrième année d un sanglier. Un sanglier dans son quartan (Ac.). Ce sanglier est à son quartan (BAUDR. Chasses 1834). Rem. Synon. de quartanier ds Lar. 19e Suppl. 1878 Lar. Lang. fr. et BAUDR. Chasses 1834, BURN.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Quartan — Quar tan, a. [F. quartain, in fi[ e]vre quartaine, L. quartanus, fr. quartus the fourth. See {Quart}.] Of or pertaining to the fourth; occurring every fourth day, reckoning inclusively; as, a quartan ague, or fever. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Quartan — Quar tan, n. 1. (Med.) An intermittent fever which returns every fourth day, reckoning inclusively, that is, one in which the interval between paroxysms is two days. [1913 Webster] 2. A measure, the fourth part of some other measure. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Quartan — Quartan, viertägig; so (Quartanfieber), viertägiges Wechselfieber … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Quartān — (lat.), viertägig; Quartanfieber, Fieber, dessen Anfälle regelmäßig am vierten Tage wiederkehren (s. Malaria, S. 161) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Quartan — Quartān (lat.), viertägig; Quartanfieber, ein jeden vierten Tag wiederkehrendes Wechselfieber … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Quartan — Quartan, 4tägig; Q. fieber, 4tägiges Wechselfieber … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
quartan — [kwôrt′ n] adj. [ME quartaine < MFr (fièvre) quartaine < L (febris) quartana, (fever) occurring every fourth day, fem. of quartanus < quartus, fourth: see QUART1] occurring every fourth day, counting both days of occurrence: said of a… … English World dictionary
quartan — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English quarteyn, from Anglo French (fevre) quartaine quartan fever, from Latin (febris) quartana, from quartanus of the fourth, from quartus Date: 14th century occurring every fourth day reckoning inclusively;… … New Collegiate Dictionary
quartan — /kwawr tn/, adj. 1. (of a fever, ague, etc.) characterized by paroxysms that recur every fourth day, both days of consecutive occurrence being counted. n. 2. a quartan fever or ague. 3. quartan malaria. [1250 1300; ME quartaine < OF < L (febris)… … Universalium
quartan — quar•tan [[t]ˈkwɔr tn[/t]] adj. 1) pat recurring every fourth day, both days of consecutive occurrence being counted: quartan fevers[/ex] 2) pat a quartan fever, ague, etc • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME quartaine < OF < L (febris) quārtāna… … From formal English to slang