- quaggy
- [ʹkwægı,ʹkwɒgı] a
1. 1) трясинный, топкий, болотистый2) текущий по болотистой местности (о реке)2. 1) дряблый, рыхлый, податливый (о теле)2) вялый, лишённый энергии (о человеке)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Quaggy — Quag gy, a. [See {Quag}, {Quagmire}.] Of the nature of a quagmire; yielding or trembling under the foot, as soft, wet earth; spongy; boggy. O er the watery strath, or quaggy moss. Collins. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quaggy — [kwag′ē, kwäg′ē] adj. quaggier, quaggiest 1. like a quagmire; boggy; soft and miry 2. soft; flabby … English World dictionary
quaggy — adjective /ˈkwɒɡi/ a) Resembling a quagmire; marshy, miry. English oxen would be much distressed and frightened in such quaggy soil. b) Soft or flabby (of a person etc.). Man has to feel his way most cautiously in the quaggy soil of ignorance,… … Wiktionary
quaggy — quagginess, n. /kwag ee, kwog ee/, adj., quaggier, quaggiest. 1. of the nature of or resembling a quagmire; marshy; boggy. 2. soft or flabby: quaggy flesh. [1600 10; QUAG + Y1] * * * … Universalium
quaggy — adjective (of soil) soft and watery the ground was boggy under foot a marshy coastline miry roads wet mucky lowland muddy barnyard quaggy terrain the sloughy edge of the pond swa … Useful english dictionary
quaggy — adjective Date: 1610 1. marshy 2. flabby … New Collegiate Dictionary
quaggy — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective Yielding easily to pressure or weight; not firm: mushy, pappy1, pulpous, pulpy, soft, spongy, squashy, squishy, yielding. See RESIST … English dictionary for students
quaggy — a. Boggy, marshy, swampy, queachy … New dictionary of synonyms
quaggy — adj 1. marshy, boggy, fenny, swampy, Archaic. marish; miry, quagmiry, sloughy, oozy, muddy, sludgy, mucky; squashy, spongy, paludal, moory; plashy, poachy, slushy, slobby, squishy; soggy, pulpy, mushy, loamy. 2. soft, flabby, flaccid, limp;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
quaggy — quag·gy … English syllables
quaggy — quag•gy [[t]ˈkwæg i, ˈkwɒg i[/t]] adj. gi•er, gi•est 1) of or like a quagmire; marshy; boggy 2) soft or flabby • Etymology: 1600–10 quag′gi•ness, n … From formal English to slang