Balmy — Balm y, a. 1. Having the qualities of balm; odoriferous; aromatic; assuaging; soothing; refreshing; mild; as, balmy weather. The balmy breeze. Tickell. [1913 Webster] Tired nature s sweet restorer, balmy sleep! Young. [1913 Webster] 2. Producing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
balmy — balmy, barmy These two words come from two roots, although the lines of descent have become intertwined: balmy (meaning ‘deliciously fragrant’) comes from balm (see the entry above) and barmy (as now used colloquially, meaning ‘stupid’) comes… … Modern English usage
balmy — [adj1] comfortable with respect to weather mild, moderate, moist, pleasant, refreshing, summerlike, summery, temperate, tropical; concepts 603,605 Ant. cool, inclement, wintery balmy [adj2] insane absurd, bugged out*, cracked*, crazed, crazy,… … New thesaurus
balmy — [bäm′ē; ] occas. [ bäl′mē] adj. balmier, balmiest 1. having the qualities of balm; soothing, mild, pleasant, etc. [a balmy day] 2. [var. of BARMY] [Slang, Chiefly Brit.] Chiefly Brit. Slang crazy or foolish balmily adv. balminess n … English World dictionary
balmy — index medicinal, placid, remedial Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
balmy — c.1500, delicately fragrant, from BALM (Cf. balm) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Figurative use for soothing dates from c.1600; of breezes, air, etc. mild, fragrant (combining both earlier senses) it is first attested 1704. Meaning weak minded, idiotic, 1851,… … Etymology dictionary
balmy — 1 aromatic, fragrant, *odorous, redolent Analogous words: refreshing, restoring, rejuvenating (see RENEW): pleasing, grateful, welcome, *pleasant Antonyms: rank, noisome Contrasted words: *malodorous, fetid, stinking, fusty, musty, putrid 2 * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
balmy — ► ADJECTIVE (balmier, balmiest) ▪ (of the weather) pleasantly warm … English terms dictionary
Balmy — Coralie Balmy Persönliche Informationen Name: Coralie Balmy Nationalität … Deutsch Wikipedia
balmy — balmily, adv. balminess, n. /bah mee/, adj., balmier, balmiest. 1. mild and refreshing; soft; soothing: balmy weather. 2. having the qualities of balm; aromatic; fragrant: balmy leaves. 3. producing balm: balmy plants; a balmy shrub. 4. Informal … Universalium
balmy — UK [ˈbɑːmɪ] / US [ˈbɑmɪ] adjective Word forms balmy : adjective balmy comparative balmier superlative balmiest warm and pleasant a balmy night balmy weather … English dictionary