- pygostyle
- [ʹpaıgə(ʋ)staıl] n зоол.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pygostyle — Py go*style, n. [Gr. pygh the rump + ? a pillar.] (Anat.) The plate of bone which forms the posterior end of the vertebral column in most birds; the plowshare bone; the vomer. It is formed by the union of a number of the last caudal vertebr[ae],… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pygostyle — Pope s nose redirects here. It may also refer to the license plate light on early Volkswagen Beetles. Pygostyle refers to a number of the final few caudal vertebrae fused into a single ossification, supporting the tail feathers and musculature.… … Wikipedia
Pygostyle — Le Pygostyle est un os du croupion des oiseaux. Il provient de la soudure des dernières vertèbres. Il sert de support aux grandes plumes de la queue, les rectrices. Portail de l’ornithologie Catégorie : Anatomie de l oiseau … Wikipédia en Français
pygostyle — n. [Gr. pyge, rump; stylos, pillar] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Hymenoptera, small lateral setigerous processes on the 9th gastral tergite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pygostyle — pygostyled, adj. pygostylous, adj. /puy geuh stuyl /, n. Ornith. the bone at the posterior end of the spinal column in birds, formed by the fusion of several caudal vertebrae. [1870 75; < Gk pygo (comb. form repr. pygé rump) + stylos pillar] * *… … Universalium
pygostyle — noun /ˈpaɪɡəstaɪl/ The plate supporting the tail feathers in birds, formed from fused vertebrae. Syn: parson’s nose, pope’s nose, sultan’s nose … Wiktionary
pygostyle — py·go·style (piґgo stīl) a flat bone at the end of the vertebral column of birds, representing the union of several vertebrae and serving as a site of attachment for the tail feathers. Called also plowshare bone … Medical dictionary
pygostyle — py·go·style … English syllables
pygostyle — ˈpīgəˌstīl noun ( s) Etymology: pyg + style 1. : a plate of bone that forms the posterior end of the vertebral column in most birds and is formed by the union of vertebrae 2. obsolete : vomer … Useful english dictionary
plowshare bone — pygostyle … Medical dictionary
Liste ausgestorbener Vögel — Die prähistorisch im späten Quartär ausgestorbenen und meist nur unvollständig fossilisierten Vogeltaxa sind unter Spätquartäre Avifauna aufgeführt. Die seit 1500 ausgestorbenen Vogeltaxa finden sich unter Liste der neuzeitlich ausgestorbenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia