- balls up
- [ʹbɔ:lzʹʌp] phr v неприст.
1. = ball up 32. напортачить
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
balls up — (vulgar sl) 1. To make a muddle or mess of 2. To throw into confusion (ballsˈ up noun; ballsedˈ up adjective) • • • Main Entry: ↑ball * * * ˌballs ˈup [transitive] [ … Useful english dictionary
Balls — steht für Edward Balls (* 1967), britischer Politiker Big Balls, deutsche Band Harvey Balls, kreisförmige Ideogramme Balls (Fernsehsender), Sportkanal auf den Philippinen Siehe auch Ball Bals … Deutsch Wikipedia
balls — [ bɔlz ] noun IMPOLITE 1. ) uncount confidence and the ability to deal with dangerous or difficult situations: NERVE: It takes balls to quit your job like that. 2. ) plural TESTICLES 3. ) uncount nonsense have someone by the balls to have… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
balls-up — balls ups N COUNT If you make a balls up of something, you do it very badly and make a lot of mistakes. [BRIT, INFORMAL, RUDE] He was in danger of making a real balls up of this. Syn: pig s ear … English dictionary
balls-up — n [singular] BrE informal something that has been done very badly or not successfully ▪ Nigel made a complete balls up of the arrangements … Dictionary of contemporary English
balls — testicles, early 14c., from plural of BALL (Cf. ball) (n.1). See also ballocks. Meaning courage, nerve is from 1928. Balls to the wall, however, probably is from WWII Air Forces slang, from the ball that topped the aircraft throttle, thrust to… … Etymology dictionary
balls — vulgar slang ► PLURAL NOUN 1) testicles. 2) courage; nerve. 3) (treated as sing. ) Brit. nonsense. ► VERB (balls up) ▪ bungle … English terms dictionary
balls — alls, interj. nonsense. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
balls-up — alls up n. something badly botched or muddled; a foul up. [British] Syn: ballup, cockup, mess up, foul up. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
balls — [bôlz] interj. Slang nonsense * * * … Universalium
balls-up — ► NOUN Brit. vulgar slang ▪ a bungled task or action … English terms dictionary