- putoff
1> уловка, отговорка
2> откладывание
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
putoff — /poot awf , of /, n. 1. an act or instance of putting off. 2. a delaying, postponing, or avoiding of something. 3. an expressed excuse or evasion; demur: She responded with a polite but firm putoff. [1540 50; n. use of v. phrase put off] * * * … Universalium
putoff — noun a pretext for delay or inaction • Derivationally related forms: ↑put off • Hypernyms: ↑pretext, ↑stalking horse * * * /poot awf , of /, n. 1. an act or instance of putting off. 2. a delaying, postponing, or avoiding of something … Useful english dictionary
Ingo Swann — is an artist and author, best known for his work as a co creator (according to his frequent collaborators Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff) Mind Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Ability by Russell Targ Harold Puthoff, A Delta book, Dell… … Wikipedia
hold over — verb 1. intimidate somebody (with a threat) (Freq. 2) She was holding it over him • Hypernyms: ↑intimidate • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody 2. hold over goods to be sold for the next season (Freq. 1) … Useful english dictionary
put off — verb 1. hold back to a later time (Freq. 1) let s postpone the exam • Syn: ↑postpone, ↑prorogue, ↑hold over, ↑put over, ↑table, ↑shelve, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
put over — verb 1. communicate successfully (Freq. 1) I couldn t get across the message He put over the idea very well • Syn: ↑get across • Hypernyms: ↑communicate, ↑pass on, ↑p … Useful english dictionary
set back — verb 1. hold back to a later time (Freq. 1) let s postpone the exam • Syn: ↑postpone, ↑prorogue, ↑hold over, ↑put over, ↑table, ↑shelve, ↑defe … Useful english dictionary
stalking-horse — noun 1. a candidate put forward to divide the Opposition or to mask the true candidate • Hypernyms: ↑campaigner, ↑candidate, ↑nominee 2. something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reason … Useful english dictionary