put across

put across
[ʹpʋtəʹkrɒs] phr v
1. перевозить, переправлять (на лодке, пароме и т. п.)
2. 1) разг. успешно завершить, «провернуть» какое-л. дело

to put a project across - успешно осуществить /завершить, закончить/ проект

2) обманывать, надувать кого-л.

you can't put that across me - тут уж ты меня не проведёшь

3. разг. сообщить; убедительно объяснить; довести до кого-л.

he puts himself across well - он хорошо выражает свои мысли

she put across her new idea - она (убедительно) изложила свою новую идею

4. амер. сл. убить, укокошить, пришить, прикончить

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "put across" в других словарях:

  • put across — index explain Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • put across — phrasal verb put across or put over [transitive] Word forms put across : present tense I/you/we/they put across he/she/it puts across present participle putting across past tense put across past participle put across 1) to explain an idea, belief …   English dictionary

  • put across — verb transmit information Please communicate this message to all employees pass along the good news • Syn: ↑communicate, ↑pass on, ↑pass, ↑pass along • Derivationally related forms: ↑comm …   Useful english dictionary

  • put across — {v.} 1. To explain clearly; make yourself understood; communicate. * /He knew how to put his ideas across./ Compare: GET ACROSS. 2. {informal} To get (something) done successfully; bring to success; make real. * /He put across a big sales… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put across — {v.} 1. To explain clearly; make yourself understood; communicate. * /He knew how to put his ideas across./ Compare: GET ACROSS. 2. {informal} To get (something) done successfully; bring to success; make real. * /He put across a big sales… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • put\ across — v 1. To explain clearly; make yourself understood; communicate. He knew how to put his ideas across. Compare: get across 2. informal To get (smth) done successfully; bring to success; make real. He put across a big sales campaign. The new… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • put across — verb a) to explain or state something clearly and understandably. All good communicators try to use popular, well understood examples to put across complex ideas. b) to perform a theatrical production. Yet, though the piece is preposterous hokum …   Wiktionary

  • put across — phr verb Put across is used with these nouns as the object: ↑message …   Collocations dictionary

  • put across — explain clearly, make oneself understood He spends a lot of effort trying to put across clearly what he wants to say …   Idioms and examples

  • put across — put over we need to put our message across more clearly Syn: communicate, convey, get across/over, explain, make clear, spell out, clarify; get through to someone …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • put across — or put over PHRASAL VERB When you put something across or put it over, you succeed in describing or explaining it to someone. [V n P] He has taken out a half page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across …   English dictionary

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