Pursy — Pur sy, a. [OF. pourcif, poulsif, poussif, fr. pousser to push, thrust, heave, OF. also poulser: cf. F. pousse the heaves, asthma. See {Push}.] Fat and short breathed; fat, short, and thick; swelled with pampering; as, pursy insolence. Shak.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pursy — pursy1 [pʉr′sē] adj. pursier, pursiest [ME purcy < purcyfe < Anglo Fr pursif, for OFr polsif < polser, to push, also breathe, pant < L pulsare, to beat < pulsus: see PULSE1] 1. short winded, esp. from being obese 2. obese; fat… … English World dictionary
pursy — /ˈpɜsi/ (say persee) adjective (pursier, pursiest) 1. short winded, especially from corpulence or fatness. 2. corpulent or fat: *He sat with his hands resting on his pursy thighs, very deliberate. –patrick white, 1955. {earlier pursive, Middle… …
pursy — I. adjective (pursier; est) Etymology: Middle English pursi, pursif, from Anglo French porsif, alteration of *polsif, from Old French pousser to exert pressure, breathe heavily more at push Date: 15th century 1. short winded especially because of … New Collegiate Dictionary
pursy — pursy1 pursily, adv. pursiness, n. /perr see/, adj., pursier, pursiest. 1. short winded, esp. from corpulence or fatness. 2. corpulent or fat. [1400 50; late ME purcy, var. of ME pursif < AF porsif, var. of OF polsif, deriv. (see IVE) of polser… … Universalium
pursy — adjective fat and short breathed … Wiktionary
pursy — pur·sy || pÉœrsɪ / pÉœË adj. winded, panting, breathing out strenuously; stout, fat … English contemporary dictionary
pursy — adjective archaic 1》 (especially of a horse) short of breath; asthmatic. 2》 fat. Derivatives pursiness noun Origin ME: reduction of Anglo Norman Fr. porsif, alt. of OFr. polsif, from polser breathe with difficulty , from L. pulsare set in violent … English new terms dictionary
pursy — a. 1. Fat, corpulent, fleshy, plump, short, thick, pudgy, podgy. 2. Short breathed, short winded, think winded … New dictionary of synonyms
pursy — pur·sy … English syllables
pursy — a. short winded, especially because stout … Dictionary of difficult words