- purpleheart
- [͵pɜ:p(ə)lʹhɑ:t] n бот.
1. пельтогине (Peltogyne)2. терминалия (Terminalia)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Purpleheart — Pur ple*heart , n. (Bot.) A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus {Copaifera} ({Copaifera pubiflora}, {Copaifera bracteata}, and {Copaifera officinalis}). Used … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Purpleheart — Taxobox name = Purpleheart image width = 210px image caption = Peltogyne paniculata regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Fabales familia = Fabaceae subfamilia = Caesalpinioideae tribus = Detarieae genus =… … Wikipedia
purpleheart — raudonasis skydenis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Cezalpinijinių šeimos medieninis augalas (Peltogyne paniculata), paplitęs Pietų Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Peltogyne paniculata angl. purpleheart šaltinis Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
purpleheart — noun Date: 1796 a strong durable purplish wood that is obtained from various leguminous trees (genus Peltogyne) of Central and South America; also a tree producing such wood … New Collegiate Dictionary
purpleheart — /perr peuhl hahrt /, n. the hard, purplish wood of any of several South American trees belonging to the genus Peltogyne, of the legume family, used for making furniture. [1790 1800; PURPLE + HEART] * * * … Universalium
purpleheart — noun a) A large tropical tree, of the genus Peltogyne, native to parts of South America and the West Indies b) The purplish heartwood of this tree, used to make furniture … Wiktionary
purpleheart — pur•ple•heart [[t]ˈpɜr pəlˌhɑrt[/t]] n. bot the hard purplish wood of any of several South American trees belonging to the genus Peltogyne, of the legume family, used for making furniture • Etymology: 1790–1800 … From formal English to slang
purpleheart — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a strong durable elastic purplish timber that is obtained in tropical America from leguminous trees of the genus Peltogyne (especially P. purpurea) and that is used especially in fancy veneers * * * /perr peuhl hahrt /, n.… … Useful english dictionary
Copaifera bracteata — Purpleheart Pur ple*heart , n. (Bot.) A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus {Copaifera} ({Copaifera pubiflora}, {Copaifera bracteata}, and {Copaifera… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Copaifera officinalis — Purpleheart Pur ple*heart , n. (Bot.) A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus {Copaifera} ({Copaifera pubiflora}, {Copaifera bracteata}, and {Copaifera… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Copaifera pubiflora — Purpleheart Pur ple*heart , n. (Bot.) A strong, durable, and elastic wood of a purplish color, obtained from several tropical American leguminous trees of the genus {Copaifera} ({Copaifera pubiflora}, {Copaifera bracteata}, and {Copaifera… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English