- purkinje fiber
- [pɜ:ʹkındʒı|ʹfaıbə,pɜ:ʹkınjı{ʹfaıbə}-] физиол.
волокно Пуркинье
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Purkinje fiber — n any of the modified cardiac muscle fibers with few nuclei, granulated central cytoplasm, and sparse peripheral striations that make up Purkinje s network … Medical dictionary
Purkinje fiber — n. [see PURKINJE CELL] any of the specialized cardiac muscle fibers forming a network that carries the electrical impulses controlling contraction of the ventricles … English World dictionary
Purkinje fiber — noun a specialized cardiac muscle fiber that is part of the Purkinje network • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle • Part Holonyms: ↑Purkinje network, ↑Purkinje s tissue, ↑Purkinje s system * * * noun … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje fiber — any of the specialized cardiac muscle fibers forming a network in the ventricular walls that conduct electric impulses responsible for the contractions of the ventricles. [named after Jan Evangelista Purkinje (Czech Purkyne) (1787 1869), Czech… … Universalium
Purkinje fiber — Purkin′je fi ber n. anat. any of a network of impulse conducting muscle fibers in the walls of the ventricles of the heart • Etymology: after Jan Evangelista Purkinje (Czech Purkyně) (1787–1869), Czech physiologist, who discovered the fibers in… … From formal English to slang
Purkinje fiber — noun Date: circa 1890 any of the modified cardiac muscle fibers with few nuclei, granulated central cytoplasm, and sparse peripheral striations that make up a network of myocardial conducting tissue … New Collegiate Dictionary
Purkinje's system — noun a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract • Syn: ↑Purkinje network, ↑Purkinje s tissue • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle •… … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje's tissue — noun a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract • Syn: ↑Purkinje network, ↑Purkinje s system • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle •… … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje network — noun a network of Purkinje fibers that carry the cardiac impulse from the atrioventricular node to the ventricles of the heart and causes them to contract • Syn: ↑Purkinje s tissue, ↑Purkinje s system • Hypernyms: ↑cardiac muscle, ↑heart muscle • … Useful english dictionary
Purkinje cell — /peuhr kin jee/, Biol. a large, densely branching neuron in the cerebellar cortex of the brain. [1885 90; see PURKINJE FIBER] * * * … Universalium
Purkinje cell — Pur•kin′je cell [[t]pərˈkɪn dʒi[/t]] n. hic (lab cbl)phl psl a large, densely branching neuron in the cerebellar cortex of the brain • Etymology: 1885–90; see Purkinje fiber … From formal English to slang