- puppy
- 1. [ʹpʌpı] n
1. щенок2. тюленёнок; волчонок; лисёнок и т. п.3. презр.1) самодовольный щёголь, фат2) глупый юнец; молокосос2. [ʹpʌpı] vщениться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Puppy — Linux Bildschirmfoto Puppy Linux 4.2 Basisdaten Entwickler … Deutsch Wikipedia
Puppy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Puppy es una voz en inglés que significa perrito o cachorro de perro. Puede hacer referencia a: Puppy Linux, una distribución del sistema operativo GNU/Linux Puppy, escultura de 1992 de Jeff Koons representando un… … Wikipedia Español
puppy — late 15c., woman s small pet dog, from M.Fr. poupée doll, toy (see PUPPET (Cf. puppet)). Meaning shifted from toy dog to young dog (1590s), replacing M.E. whelp. Also used about that time in sense of vain young man. Puppy love is from 1834. Puppy … Etymology dictionary
Puppy — Pup py, n.; pl. {Puppies}. [F. poup[ e]e doll, puppet. See {Puppet}, and cf. {Pup}, n.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The young of a canine animal, esp. of the common dog; a whelp. [1913 Webster] 2. A name of contemptuous reproach for a conceited and impertinent … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
puppy — [pup′ē] n. pl. puppies [ME popi < MFr popee, doll < * poupe: see PUPPET] 1. a) a young dog b) a young fox, seal, etc.; pup 2. an insolent, conceited, or silly young man ☆ 3. Slang a person or thing … English World dictionary
Puppy — Pup py, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Puppied}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Puppying}.] To bring forth whelps; to pup. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
puppy — [pypi] n. m. ÉTYM. 1880; mot angl. « chiot ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Sports. Jeune lévrier de course de deux ans … Encyclopédie Universelle
puppy — ► NOUN (pl. puppies) 1) a young dog. 2) informal, dated a conceited or arrogant young man. DERIVATIVES puppyish adjective. ORIGIN perhaps from Old French poupee doll, toy … English terms dictionary
Puppy — A puppy or pup is a juvenile dog, generally less than one year of age, that has not reached sexual maturity. Puppy size varies among breeds: smaller puppies may weigh convert|1| |3|lb|abbr=on, while others are convert|15| |20|lb|abbr=on. All… … Wikipedia
puppy */ — UK [ˈpʌpɪ] / US noun [countable] Word forms puppy : singular puppy plural puppies a) a very young dog b) a very young canine (= an animal in the same group as dogs) wolf puppies • this/that puppy American spoken used instead of the name of… … English dictionary
puppy — 1. n. a wimp; a softie. □ That silly puppy is still waiting outside your door. □ Oh, Paul, you’re such a puppy! 2. n. a thing; a piece or part of something. □ Put this little puppy right here. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions