Смотреть что такое "punc" в других словарях:
punc´tu|al|ly — punc|tu|al «PUHNGK chu uhl», adjective. 1. prompt; on time: »He is punctual to the minute. 2. being a point; resembling a point. 3. Mathematics. of or having to do with a point: »punctual coordinates. 4. Archaic. punctilious … Useful english dictionary
punc|tu|al — «PUHNGK chu uhl», adjective. 1. prompt; on time: »He is punctual to the minute. 2. being a point; resembling a point. 3. Mathematics. of or having to do with a point: »punctual coordinates. 4. Archaic. punctilious … Useful english dictionary
punč — pȕnč m <N mn pùnčevi> DEFINICIJA vruće ili hladno alkoholno piće koje se priprema od ruma, vina, čaja, šećera i limuna ili naranče ETIMOLOGIJA engl. punch ← hind. panč: pet (sastojaka pića) … Hrvatski jezični portal
punc|tu|al|i|ty — «PUHNGK chu AL uh tee», noun. the quality or condition of being on time; promptness: »Punctuality at meals was rigidly enforced at Gateshead Hall (Charlotte Brontë) … Useful english dictionary
punc — acu·punc·ture; com·punc·tion; com·punc·tion·less; com·punc·tious; ex·punc·tion; in·ter·punc·tion; punc; punc·tar·i·a·les; punc·tate; punc·tat·ed; punc·ta·tion; punc·tic·u·lar; punc·ti·form; punc·til·i·ar; punc·til·io; punc·til·i·ous;… … English syllables
púnč — a m (ȗ) vroča pijača iz čaja in ruma, z dodatkom limone, pomaranče in sladkorja: piti, skuhati punč; neskl. pril.: gastr. punč torta … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
punc|til´i|ous|ness — punc|til|i|ous «puhngk TIHL ee uhs», adjective. 1. very careful and exact: »A nurse should be punctilious in following the doctor s orders. SYNONYM(S): particular, meticulous. See syn. under scrupulous. (Cf. ↑scrupulous) 2. paying strict… … Useful english dictionary
punc|til´i|ous|ly — punc|til|i|ous «puhngk TIHL ee uhs», adjective. 1. very careful and exact: »A nurse should be punctilious in following the doctor s orders. SYNONYM(S): particular, meticulous. See syn. under scrupulous. (Cf. ↑scrupulous) 2. paying strict… … Useful english dictionary
punc|til|i|ous — «puhngk TIHL ee uhs», adjective. 1. very careful and exact: »A nurse should be punctilious in following the doctor s orders. SYNONYM(S): particular, meticulous. See syn. under scrupulous. (Cf. ↑scrupulous) 2. paying strict attention to details of … Useful english dictionary
punc´tu|al|ness — punc|tu|al «PUHNGK chu uhl», adjective. 1. prompt; on time: »He is punctual to the minute. 2. being a point; resembling a point. 3. Mathematics. of or having to do with a point: »punctual coordinates. 4. Archaic. punctilious … Useful english dictionary
punc|tat|ed — «PUHNGK tay tihd», adjective. = punctate. (Cf. ↑punctate) … Useful english dictionary