- psychometer
- [saıʹkɒmıtə] n
1. психометр2. человек, обладающий способностью сообщать сведения о предмете или его владельце через контакт с ним
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
psychometer — psy·chom·e·ter (si komґə tər) an instrument used in psychometry … Medical dictionary
psychometer — psy·chom·e·ter … English syllables
psychometer — n. instrument measuring duration and intensity of mental states … Dictionary of difficult words
psychometer — məd.ə(r) noun Etymology: back formation from psychometry 1. : one who practices the occult art of psychometry 2. [International Scientific Vocabulary psych + meter] : a timing or measuring instrument used in mental measurement … Useful english dictionary
Volney Mathison — Volney G. Mathison was an American experimenter/hobbyist in early biofeedback, galvanic skin response technology, and psychogalvanometer (lie detector machine) research in the 1940s and 1950s. He was also a chiropractor and an author of… … Wikipedia
Zettai Karen Children — A ten year old Level 7 psychokinetic (the maximum esper potency designation), Kaoru is the reckless and zealous member of The Children Special Esper Team alongside Shiho and Aoi. When she is introduced, Kaoru is seen reading a magazine that is… … Wikipedia
clairvoyant — Synonyms and related words: anticipant, anticipatory, automatist, clairaudient, clairsentient, divinatory, extrasensory, farseeing, farsighted, feeling, forehanded, foreknowing, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, intuitional … Moby Thesaurus
indicator — Synonyms and related words: Fathometer, JP, Justice, arbiter, arbitrator, badge, banner, bencher, bob, character, characteristic, control indicator, count rate meter, critic, current indicator, density indicator, depth sounder, detonation… … Moby Thesaurus
psychometrics — Synonyms and related words: IQ meter, abnormal psychology, academic psychology, altimetry, analytical psychology, animal psychology, applied psychology, association psychology, bathymetry, biometrics, biometry, cadastration, cartography, child… … Moby Thesaurus
psychometry — /saɪˈkɒmətri/ (say suy komuhtree) noun 1. Also, psychometrics /saɪkəˈmɛtrɪks/ (say suykuh metriks). Psychology the measurement of mental states, mental processes, and their relationships. 2. the alleged art or faculty of divining the properties… …