- psychokinesis
- [͵saıkəʋkıʹni:sıs] n спец.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
psychokinesis — 1914, from PSYCHO (Cf. psycho ) + KINESIS (Cf. kinesis) … Etymology dictionary
psychokinesis — [sī΄kō ki nē′sis] n. [ PSYCHO + Gr kinēsis, motion < kinein, to move: see CITE] the apparent ability, investigated in parapsychology, to influence physical objects or events by thought processes psychokinetic [sī΄kō kinet′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Psychokinesis — The term psychokinesis (from the Greek ψυχή , psyche , meaning mind, soul, heart, or breath ; and κίνησις , kinesis , meaning motion ; literally movement from the mind ), [cite book year = 2001 title = Random House Webster s Unabridged Dictionary … Wikipedia
psychokinesis — psychokinetic /suy koh ki net ik, kuy /, adj. /suy koh ki nee sis, kuy /, n. the purported ability to move or deform inanimate objects, as metal spoons, through mental processes. Also called telekinesis. [1910 15; PSYCHO + KINESIS] * * * ▪… … Universalium
psychokinesis — [[t]sa͟ɪkoʊkɪni͟ːsɪs[/t]] N UNCOUNT Psychokinesis is the ability, which some people believe exists, to move objects using the power of your mind … English dictionary
psychokinesis — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: 1914 movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means compare precognition, telekinesis • psychokinetic adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
psychokinesis — noun The controlled movement of an inanimate object by the use of psychic powers. Abbreviated as PK … Wiktionary
psychokinesis — The paranormal ability to move things other than one s body without physical contact … Philosophy dictionary
psychokinesis — psy·cho·ki·ne·sis kə nē səs, kī n, pl ne·ses .sēz movement of physical objects by the mind without use of physical means called also PK compare PRECOGNITION, TELEKINESIS psy·cho·ki … Medical dictionary
psychokinesis — psy|cho|ki|ne|sis [ˌsaıkəukaıˈni:sıs US koukı ] n [U] [Date: 1900 2000; : Greek; Origin: psych ( PSYCH ) + kinesis movement ] the moving of solid objects using only the power of the mind, which some people believe is possible >psychokinetic [… … Dictionary of contemporary English
psychokinesis — psy|cho|ki|ne|sis [ ,saıkoukı nisıs ] noun uncount the ability to move objects using only the power of the mind ╾ psy|cho|ki|net|ic adjective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English