Смотреть что такое "pseudopod" в других словарях:
pseudopod — PSEUDOPÓD, pseudopode, s.n. Prelungire mobilă provizorie a protoplasmei la amibe, leucocite etc., servind la locomoţie şi la prinderea hranei. Trimis de MihaelaStan, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DLRC PSEUDOPÓD, pseudopode, s.n. Prelungire temporară a… … Dicționar Român
Pseudopod — Pseu do*pod, n. [Pseudo + pod.] 1. (Biol.) Any protoplasmic filament or irregular process projecting from any unicellular organism, or from any animal or plant call. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A rhizopod. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pseudopod — 1874, from Mod.L. pseudopodium (1854), from Gk. pseudo (see PSEUDO (Cf. pseudo )) + podion, dim. of pous foot (see FOOT (Cf. foot)) … Etymology dictionary
Pseudopod (band) — Infobox musical artist Name = Pseudopod Background = group or band Origin = Los Angeles, California, USA Genre = Rock Jam Funk rock Jazz rock Years active = 1998 mdash; 2003 Label = Interscope Records Associated acts = URL =… … Wikipedia
pseudopod — noun Etymology: New Latin pseudopodium Date: 1874 pseudopodium • pseudopodal or pseudopodial adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
Pseudopod — Pseudopods or pseudopodia (from the Greek word ψευδοπόδια , ψευδός fake, false + πόδια feet ) are temporary projections of eukaryotic cells. Cells having this faculty are generally referred to as amoeboids.ReproductionFirst and foremost, the cell … Wikipedia
pseudopod — См. pseudopodium … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pseudopod — Blunt ended projection from a cell usually applied to cells that have an amoeboid pattern of movement … Dictionary of molecular biology
pseudopod — pseudopodal /sooh dop euh dl/, pseudopodial /sooh deuh poh dee euhl/, pseudopodic, adj. /sooh deuh pod /, n. Biol. a temporary protrusion of the protoplasm, as of certain protozoans, usually serving as an organ of locomotion or prehension. Also… … Universalium
pseudopod — noun A temporary projection of the cytoplasm of certain cells, such as phagocytes, or of certain unicellular organisms, such as amoebas, that serves in locomotion. Syn: pseudopodium … Wiktionary
pseudopod — SYN: pseudopodium. * * * pseu·do·pod süd ə .päd n 1) PSEUDOPODIUM 2 a) a slender extension from the edge of a wheal at the site of injection of an allergen b) one of the slender processes of some tumor cells extending out from the main mass of a… … Medical dictionary