- balinese
- [͵bɑ:lıʹni:z] a
живущий на о-ве Бали; относящийся к о-ву Бали
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Balinese — blue tabby point Die Balinesenkatze ist eine Rasse der Hauskatze. Ihren Namen verdankt die Balinesenkatze ihrem geschmeidigen Gang, der an balinesische Tempel Tänzerinnen erinnern soll. Sie ist das Ergebnis einer US amerikanischen Kreuzung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Balinese — [bä΄lə nēz′, bal΄ənēz′] adj. of Bali or its people, language, or culture n. pl. Balinese 1. a person born or living on Bali 2. the Western Austronesian language spoken on Bali 3. any of a breed of long haired domestic cat, developed from the… … English World dictionary
Balinese — See: *Balinese people *Balinese language:*Balinese script *Balinese mythology *Balinese (cat), a cat breed *Balinese Gamelan, local music *Balinese Room, a famous illegal casino in Galveston, Texas … Wikipedia
Balinese — /bah leuh neez , nees , bal euh /, adj., n., pl. Balinese. adj. 1. of or pertaining to Bali, its people, or their language. n. 2. a native or inhabitant of Bali. 3. the language of Bali, an Indonesian language of the Austronesian family. [1810… … Universalium
Balinese — /baləˈniz/ (say bahluh neez) adjective 1. of or relating to Bali, its people, or their language. –noun 2. (plural Balinese) a native or inhabitant of Bali. 3. the Balinese people collectively. 4. the language of Bali, an Indonesian language …
Balinese — noun Etymology: Dutch Balinees, from Bali island of Indonesia Date: 1820 1. a native or inhabitant of Bali 2. any of a breed of slender longhaired cats that originated as a spontaneous mutation of the Siamese • Balinese adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
balinese — ba·li·né·se agg., s.m. e f. CO agg., di Bali: danze balinesi | agg., s.m. e f., nativo o abitante di Bali {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: dall ingl. Balinese, der. di Bali, nome di un isola dell Indonesia … Dizionario italiano
Balinese — Ba•li•nese [[t]ˌbɑ ləˈniz, ˈnis, ˌbæl ə [/t]] n. pl. nese, adj. 1) peo a member of a people inhabiting the island of Bali in Indonesia 2) peo the Austronesian language of this people 3) peo of or pertaining to Bali, the Balinese, or their… … From formal English to slang
Balinese art — is art of Hindu Javanese origin that grew from the work of artisans of the Majapahit Kingdom, with their expansion to Bali in the late 13th century. Since then, Ubud and its neighboring villages have been the center of Balinese art. Ubud and… … Wikipedia
Balinese mythology — is the traditional mythology of the people of the Indonesian island of Bali, before the majority adoption of Hinduism.Balinese mythology is mainly a kind of animism with some widely known characters and deities. Many themes of Balinese mythology… … Wikipedia
Balinese Retreat — (Niu,США) Категория отеля: Адрес: 12 Niuiki Circle, Niu, HI 96821, США … Каталог отелей