- pseudoarchaic
- [͵sju:dəʋɑ:ʹkeıık] a
1. псевдоантичный; подделанный под античность2. изобилующий псевдоархаизмами (о языке)3. допускающий анахронизм в воспроизведении старины
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pseudoarchaic — adj. * * * … Universalium
pseudoarchaic — pseu do•ar•cha′ic adj … From formal English to slang
pseudoarchaic — adj … Useful english dictionary
English orthography — is the alphabetic spelling system used by the English language. English orthography, like other alphabetic orthographies, uses a set of rules that generally governs how speech sounds are represented in writing. English has relatively complicated… … Wikipedia
quaint — adjective 1) a quaint town Syn: picturesque, charming, sweet, attractive, old fashioned, old world, cunning; pseudoarchaic olde, olde worlde Ant: ugly, modern 2) quaint customs … Thesaurus of popular words
fayre — an archaic or archaizing spelling of ↑fair2 * * * [fer] n. pseudoarchaic spelling of fair II * * * fayre obs. f. fair, fare … Useful english dictionary