- pseudepigraphon
- [͵sju:dıʹpıgrəfɒn] n (pl -a) рел.
псевдоапокриф (аномальное или приписываемое другому автору сочинение на библейскую тему, не включённое в канон и не считающееся даже апокрифом)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pseudepigrăphon — (gr.), eine Schrift, welche einem Schriftsteller fälschlich zugeschrieben wird, bes. nennt man Pseudepigraphen einen Theil der Apokryphen (s.d.) des Alten Testaments … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
pseudepigraphon — noun (plural pseudepigrapha) Etymology: New Latin, singular of pseudepigrapha, from Greek, neuter plural of pseudepigraphos falsely inscribed, from pseud + epigraphein to inscribe more at epigram Date: 1692 1. plural apocrypha 2. any of various… … New Collegiate Dictionary
biblical literature — Introduction four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha. The Old… … Universalium
JOB, TESTAMENT OF — (Gr. Διαθήκη τοῦ Ιωβ), Greek pseudepigraphon purporting to reveal the secrets and last wishes of job . In its present form the Testament of Job is closely linked with the Greco Jewish historian aristeas , who flourished about 100 B.C.E., and with … Encyclopedia of Judaism
pseudepigraph — noun Date: 1884 pseudepigraphon 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Charles Cutler Torrey — (1863–1956) was an American historian, archeologist and scholar who presented manuscripturial evidence to support alternate views on Christian and Islamic religious sources and origins. He founded the American School of Archaeology at Jerusalem… … Wikipedia
Biblical apocrypha — This article is about a class of books included in some Bibles. For other books generally excluded from Bibles, see Apocrypha. Part of a series on The Bible … Wikipedia
Book of Noah — The Book of Noah is currently thought to be a non extant Old Testament pseudepigraphal work, attributed to Noah. It is quoted in several places in another pseudepigraphal work, 1 Enoch [6 11; 39:1 2a; 54:7 55:2; 60; 65:1 69:25; and 106 107.] , as … Wikipedia
Henoch — Henoch, Patriarch, Sohn Jareds, Vater Methusalahs, führte unter den sittlich immer mehr verderbenden Menschen ein gottseliges Leben u. wurde deshalb 365 Jahre alt von Gott auf besondere Weise von der Erde genommen. Das Buch H., eine ihm… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Torrey, Charles Cutler — ▪ American biblical scholar born Dec. 20, 1863, East Hardwick, Vt., U.S. died Nov. 12, 1956, Chicago U.S. Semitic scholar who held independent and stimulating views on certain biblical problems. Torrey studied at Bowdoin (Maine)… … Universalium
Phintys — (griechisch Φίντυς) war angeblich eine antike Pythagoreerin; ob es sich um eine historische Gestalt oder um eine literarische Fiktion handelt, ist ungewiss. Über ihre Lebenszeit und Lebensumstände ist nichts überliefert. Der spätantike… … Deutsch Wikipedia