- psephology
- [seʹfɒlədʒı] n
псефология; изучение результатов голосования (на выборах), опросов общественного мнения и т. п. и определение намечающихся тенденций, сдвигов и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Psephology — (from Greek psephos ψῆφος, pebble , which the Greeks used as ballots) is the statistical analysis of elections. Psephology uses compilations of precinct voting returns for elections going back some years, public opinion polls, campaign finance… … Wikipedia
psephology — [sē fäl′ə jē] n. [< Gr psēphos, pebble (used in voting): see PSEPHITE & LOGY] the statistical evaluation of election returns or of political polls psephological [sēfə läj′i kəl] adj. psephologist n … English World dictionary
psephology — [20] The term psephology ‘study of voting patterns’ was coined in the early 1950s by R B McCallum from Greek pséphos ‘pebble’. Pebbles were used in ancient Greece for casting votes, and so pséphos came to mean metaphorically ‘vote’ – hence… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
psephology — [20] The term psephology ‘study of voting patterns’ was coined in the early 1950s by R B McCallum from Greek pséphos ‘pebble’. Pebbles were used in ancient Greece for casting votes, and so pséphos came to mean metaphorically ‘vote’ – hence… … Word origins
psephology — noun Etymology: Greek psēphos pebble, ballot, vote; from the use of pebbles by the ancient Greeks in voting Date: 1952 the scientific study of elections • psephological adjective • psephologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
psephology — psephological / feuh loj i keuhl/, adj. psephologist, n. /see fol euh jee/, n. the study of elections. [1950 55; < Gk psêpho(s) pebble + LOGY; so called from the Athenian custom of casting votes by means of pebbles] * * * … Universalium
psephology — noun The predictive or statistical study of elections. See Also: psephocracy … Wiktionary
psephology — pse|phol|o|gy [seˈfɔlədʒi US si:ˈfa: ] n [U] BrE technical [Date: 1900 2000; : Greek; Origin: psephos small stone, vote ; because the ancient Greeks used small stones for voting] the study of how people vote in elections >psephologist n … Dictionary of contemporary English
psephology — The study of elections, voting patterns, and electoral behaviour, and the forecasting of election results. This became a specialist field of political sociology with the spread of regular opinion polls on voting intentions, major post election… … Dictionary of sociology
psephology — study of election results and voting trends Sciences and Studies … Phrontistery dictionary
psephology — [sɛ fɒlədʒi, sɪ ] noun the statistical study of elections and trends in voting. Derivatives psephological adjective psephologist noun Origin 1950s: from Gk psēphos pebble, vote + logy … English new terms dictionary