- prudish
- [ʹpru:dıʃ] a
1) излишне скромный, стыдливый; жеманный; благонравный2) ханжеский, пуританский
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Prudish — Prud ish, a. Like a prude; very formal, precise, or reserved; affectedly severe in virtue; as, a prudish woman; prudish manners. [1913 Webster] A formal lecture, spoke with prudish face. Garrick. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
prudish — 1717, from PRUDE (Cf. prude) + ISH (Cf. ish). Related: Prudishly; prudishness … Etymology dictionary
prudish — *prim, priggish, prissy, puritanical, straitlaced, stuffy Analogous words: *rigid, strict: stern, *severe, austere: formal, conventional, solemn (see CEREMONIAL) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
prudish — [adj] shy and strict in behavior affected, artificial, austere, bigoted, conventional, demure, fastidious, finicky*, genteel, illiberal, mincing, narrow, narrow minded, offish, overexact, overmodest, overnice, precise, pretentious, priggish*,… … New thesaurus
prudish — [pro͞o′dish] adj. like or characteristic of a prude; too modest or proper prudishly adv. prudishness n … English World dictionary
prudish — adj. prudish about * * * [ pruːdɪʃ] prudish about … Combinatory dictionary
prudish — [[t]pru͟ːdɪʃ[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe someone as prudish, you mean that they are too easily shocked by things relating to sex. I m not prudish but I think these photographs are obscene. Derived words: prudishness N UNCOUNT… … English dictionary
prudish — prudent, prudential, prudish While prudent is a judgemental word meaning ‘circumspect, judicious’, prudential is merely descriptive in identifying actions and attitudes that have to do with prudence, e.g. prudential motives are motives determined … Modern English usage
prudish — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. prim, demure, precious, affected, precise. See affectation. Ant., liberal, open. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. overnice, stilted, mincing, precise, narrow minded, illiberal, bigoted, prissy, priggish … English dictionary for students
prudish — prud|ish [ˈpru:dıʃ] adj very easily shocked by things relating to sex used to show disapproval ▪ American culture is in many ways still fairly prudish. >prudery n [U] >prudishly adv >prudishness n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
prudish — adjective it s unusual to find someone so young and yet so prudish Syn: puritanical, priggish, prim, prim and proper, moralistic, pietistic, sententious, censorious, straitlaced, Victorian, old maidish, governessy, fussy, stuffy, strict; informal … Thesaurus of popular words