- baldy
- [ʹbɔ:ldı] n сл.
лысый, плешивый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
baldy — baldỹ interj. baldu, buldu (kartojant nusakomas bildėjimas): Baldỹ baldỹ – kažin kas subildėjo kamaroj Kp. Užkliudžiau kubilą, tik baldỹ baldỹ – ir nubildėjo žemėn Kp. Baldỹ baldỹ – ir įvirto pro duris keli vyrai Grž … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Baldy — may refer to:*Baldness *One of a List of peaks named Baldy *Clifford H. Baldowski, an editorial cartoonist who wrote under the name Baldy *Baldy (Beanie Baby), a Beanie Baby eagle produced by Ty, Inc … Wikipedia
baldy — aldy n. a person who has a bald head; a deprecatory term. Syn: baldhead, baldpate. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baldy — Diminutif de Baud, Bald, nom de personne d origine germanique (bald = audacieux), porté notamment dans le Lot … Noms de famille
baldy — bald headed person, 1850, from BALD (Cf. bald) + Y (Cf. y) (3) … Etymology dictionary
baldy — [bôl′dē] n. pl. baldies Informal a bald person … English World dictionary
baldy — [[t]bɔ͟ːldi[/t]] baldies N COUNT; also N VOC People sometimes refer to a bald person as a baldy, especially if they are talking about them or to them in a friendly or humorous way. [INFORMAL] The actor Patrick Stewart is a long time baldy and… … English dictionary
baldy — I Australian Slang 1. (derogatory) (a term of address for) a bald person; 2. worn tyre having little or no tread; 3. coin with Edward VII on the obverse, traditionally used in the game two up II Everyday English Slang in Ireland (phr) as in I… … English dialects glossary
baldy — AND baldie [“baldi] n. a bald headed man. □ I’m getting to be an old baldie. □ I turned into a baldy in my twenties … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Baldy Mountain (Colfax County, New Mexico) — Baldy Mountain Baldy Mountain from Copper Park camp Elevation … Wikipedia
Baldy Lake — ist der Name mehrerer Seen in den Vereinigten Staaten: Baldy Lake (Alaska) Baldy Lake (Mineral County, Colorado) Baldy Lake (Saguache County, Colorado) Baldy Lake (Idaho) Baldy Lake (Michigan) Baldy Lake (Minnesota) Baldy Lake (Beaverhead County … Deutsch Wikipedia