- protolanguage
- [͵prəʋtəʹlæŋgwıdʒ] n лингв.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
protolanguage — [prōt′ō laŋ΄gwij] n. a language that is the documented or the hypothesized and reconstructed parent language of some other language or language group … English World dictionary
protolanguage — “+ noun Etymology: prot + language : the assumed or recorded ancestral language of a language or group of languages in reconstructing the vocabulary of a protolanguage H.M.Hoenigswald must have been a suffix verb form in the protolanguage… … Useful english dictionary
protolanguage — noun Date: 1948 an assumed or recorded ancestral language … New Collegiate Dictionary
protolanguage — /proh toh lang gwij/, n. Ling. the reconstructed or postulated parent form of a language or a group of related languages. [1945 50; PROTO + LANGUAGE] * * * … Universalium
protolanguage — n. recorded or reconstructed ancestral language; assumed parent form of language or a group of connected languages … English contemporary dictionary
protolanguage — pro·to·language … English syllables
protolanguage — pro•to•lan•guage [[t]ˈproʊ toʊˌlæŋ gwɪdʒ[/t]] n. ling. the reconstructed or postulated parent form of a language or a group of related languages • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
protolanguage — /ˈproʊtoʊˌlæŋgwɪdʒ/ (say prohtoh.langgwij) noun a recorded or reconstructed language which is believed to be the ancestor of another language or group of languages …
Southwestern Brythonic protolanguage — Southwestern Brythonic is the reconstructed protolanguage representing one of two dialects into which the Brythonic language split following the Battle of Deorham in A.D. 577, the other being Western Brythonic, which later evolved into Welsh and… … Wikipedia
Afro-Asiatic languages — formerly Hamito Semitic languages Family of about 250 languages spoken in North Africa, parts of sub Saharan African, and the Middle East. It includes such languages as Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic, and Hausa. The total number of speakers is estimated … Universalium
Slavic languages — or Slavonic languages Branch of the Indo European language family spoken by more than 315 million people in central and eastern Europe and northern Asia. The Slavic family is usually divided into three subgroups: West Slavic, comprising Polish,… … Universalium