- protofascism
- [͵prəʋtəʹfæʃız(ə)m] n
крайне правая, смыкающаяся с фашизмом партия, идеология, движение и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
protofascism — pro·to·fascism … English syllables
protofascism — “+ noun Etymology: prot + fascism : a political movement or program tending toward or imitating fascism … Useful english dictionary
protofascist — “+ noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: protofascism + ist : one who adheres to, advocates, or practices protofascism … Useful english dictionary
pro|to|fas|cist — «PROH toh FASH ihst», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a member of a protofascist party. 2. a person who favors or supports protofascism. –adj. of or having to do with protofascism or protofascists … Useful english dictionary
prot- — combining form or proto Etymology: Middle English protho , from Middle French, from Late Latin proto , from Late Greek prōt , prōto , from Greek, from prōtos; akin to Greek pro before, ahead more at for 1. a … Useful english dictionary