- baldachin baldaquin
baldachin, baldaquin
1> балдахин
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
baldachin — BALDACHÍN, baldachine, s.n. 1. Acoperământ decorativ, împodobit cu perdele, aşezat deasupra unui tron, a unui pat, a unui amvon, a unui catafalc etc.; p.ext. lucrare de arhitectură care imită acest acoperământ decorativ. 2. Acoperământ de pânză… … Dicționar Român
baldaquin — [ baldakɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1352; it. baldacchino « étoffe de soie de Bagdad » 1 ♦ Ouvrage de tapisserie en forme de dais et garni de rideaux, que l on place au dessus d un lit (⇒ ciel), d un catafalque, d un trône. Lit à baldaquin. 2 ♦ Archit. Ouvrage… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Baldachin — Sm prunkvolle Überdachung per. Wortschatz fach. (14. Jh.) Entlehnung. Zunächst im 14. Jh. als mhd. baldekīn entlehnt aus it. baldacchino, einer Ableitung von it. Baldacco, der italienischen Form des Namens der Stadt Bagdad (arab. baġdādi aus… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
baldaquin — Baldachin Bal da*chin, n. [LL. baldachinus, baldechinus, a canopy of rich silk carried over the host; fr. Bagdad, It. Baldacco, a city in Turkish Asia from whence these rich silks came: cf. It. baldacchino. Cf. {Baudekin}.] 1. A rich brocade;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baldachin — or baldaquin [bal′də kin] n. [< It or Fr: Fr baldaquin < It baldacchino, after Baldacco,BAGHDAD, where the cloth was manufactured] 1. a rich brocade, formerly made of silk and gold 2. a canopy of this or other material, carried in church… … English World dictionary
Baldachin — Bal da*chin, n. [LL. baldachinus, baldechinus, a canopy of rich silk carried over the host; fr. Bagdad, It. Baldacco, a city in Turkish Asia from whence these rich silks came: cf. It. baldacchino. Cf. {Baudekin}.] 1. A rich brocade; baudekin.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Baldăchin — (franz. Baldaquin, ital. Baldacchino), eine verzierte, von Säulen getragene oder auch an der Wand befestigte Decke über einem Thron, einem Bett, einer Kanzel etc., auch ein auf vier Stangen getragener viereckiger Schirm von Seide, Brokat oder… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
baldachin — BALDACHIN. s. m. On prononce Baldaquin. Dais qu on porte sur le saint Sacrement, ou sur la teste du Pape dans les processions … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
baldachin — baldachined, adj. /bal deuh kin, bawl /, n. 1. Also, baudekin. Textiles. a silk brocade interwoven with gold or silver threads, used chiefly for ceremonial purposes. 2. Archit. a permanent ornamental canopy, as above a freestanding altar or… … Universalium
Baldachin — Engraving of the Gnadenaltar in the Vierzehnheiligen Basilica, Bad Staffelstein, Bavaria. This altar has a baldachin. A baldachin, or baldaquin (from Italian: baldacchino), is a canopy of state over an altar or throne. It had its beginnings as a… … Wikipedia
Baldachin — [baldacchino, baldaquin, baudekin] Material richly woven with silk and gold thread (known as olosericum) of the 14c and the 15c; a freestanding cover or canopy over the altar; also the canopy used at the most solemn moment during the coronation… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases