- proterozoic
- 1. [͵prəʋtərəʹzəʋık] n геол.
протерозой2. [͵prəʋterəʹzəʋık] a геол.протерозойский
Proterozoic group - протерозойская группа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Proterozoic group - протерозойская группа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
proterozoic — PROTEROZÓIC, Ă, proterozoici, ce, subst., adj. (geol.) Algonchian. [pr.: zo ic] – Din fr. protérozoïque, engl. proterozoic. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 PROTEROZÓIC adj., s. v … Dicționar Român
Proterozoic — [prät΄ə rə zō′ik, prōt΄ə rō zō′ik] adj. [< Gr proteros, former, compar. of pro, forward (see PRO 1) + ZO + IC] [sometimes p ] designating or of the geologic eon characterized by the development of sedimentary rock, shallow seas, and the first… … English World dictionary
Proterozoic — The Proterozoic (pronEng|ˌproʊtərəˈzoʊɪk) is a geological eon representing a period before the first abundant complex life on Earth. The Proterozoic Eon extended from 2500 Ma to 542.0 ± 1.0 Ma (million years ago), and is the most recent part of… … Wikipedia
Proterozoic — adjective Etymology: Greek proteros former, earlier (from pro before) + International Scientific Vocabulary zoic more at for Date: 1899 of, relating to, or being the eon of geologic time or the corresponding segment of rocks that includes the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Proterozoic — /prot euhr euh zoh ik, proh teuhr /, Geol. adj. 1. noting or pertaining to the latter half of the Precambrian Era, from about 2.5 billion to 570 million years ago, characterized by the appearance of bacteria and marine algae; Algonkian. n. 2. the … Universalium
Proterozoic — 1. adjective Of, or relating to the geologic eon from about 2,500 to 570 million years ago; comprises the Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic eras; marked by the build up of oxygen in the atmosphere and the emergence of primitive … Wiktionary
Proterozoic — Prot•er•o•zo•ic [[t]ˌprɒt ər əˈzoʊ ɪk, ˌproʊ tər [/t]] adj. 1) gel noting or pertaining to the latter half of the Precambrian Era, from about 2.5 billion to 570 million years ago, when bacteria and marine algae were the principal forms of life 2) … From formal English to slang
proterozoic — proterozojus statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Antroji Žemės geologinės istorijos antroji era, prasidėjusi prieš 2,6 mlrd. m., po archėjaus, pasibaigusi prieš 570 mln. m. prieš paleozojų; per tą laikotarpį susidariusių uolienų … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Proterozoic Eon — Younger of the two divisions of Precambrian time, from 2. 5 billion to 543 million years ago. Proterozoic rocks have been identified on all the continents and often constitute important sources of metallic ores, notably of iron, gold, copper,… … Universalium
Proterozoic aeon — noun from 2,500 to 544 million years ago; bacteria and fungi; primitive multicellular organisms • Syn: ↑Proterozoic, ↑Proterozoic eon • Derivationally related forms: ↑proterozoic (for: ↑Proterozoic) … Useful english dictionary
Proterozoic eon — noun from 2,500 to 544 million years ago; bacteria and fungi; primitive multicellular organisms • Syn: ↑Proterozoic, ↑Proterozoic aeon • Derivationally related forms: ↑proterozoic (for: ↑Proterozoic) … Useful english dictionary