
[prəʹtektıv] a
1. защитный, оградительный, предохранительный

protective armour [clothing, dressing] - защитная броня [одежда, повязка]

protective spectacles /glasses/ - защитные очки

protective measures - предохранительные меры

protective custody /arrest/ - юр. предупредительное заключение

protective covenant - договор между домовладельцами не сдавать жильё представителям тех или иных национальных меньшинств

protective colour(ing) /colouration/ - биол. покровительственная /защитная/ окраска

protective paint - воен. защитная /маскировочная/ окраска

protective vaccination - мед. предохранительная прививка

protective mask - воен. противогаз

protective belt - с.-х. защитная полоса /зона/, защитный пояс

protective barrage - воен. заградительный огонь

protective fire - воен. огневая поддержка, прикрывающий огонь

protective screen - воен. маскирующий экран; маскирующая дымовая завеса

protective resemblance - зоол. покровительственное сходство

protective relaying - эл. релейная защита

men feel protective towards her - мужчин трогает её беззащитность

2. полит.-эк. протекционистский, защитительный, покровительственный, защитный

protective duty - покровительственная /протекционная, протекционистская/ пошлина

protective tariff - покровительственный /протекционный/ тариф

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "protective" в других словарях:

  • protective — pro‧tec‧tive [prəˈtektɪv] adjective [only before a noun] 1. protective actions, measures, laws etc are designed to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, negative influences etc: • The company has armed itself with protective barriers …   Financial and business terms

  • Protective — Pro*tect ive, a. [Cf. F. protectif.] Affording protection; sheltering; defensive. The favor of a protective Providence. Feltham. [1913 Webster] {Protective coloring} (Zo[ o]l.), coloring which serves for the concealment and preservation of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • protective — pro·tec·tive adj: of, relating to, or providing protection Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. protective I …   Law dictionary

  • protective — [prə tek′tiv, prōtek′tiv] adj. 1. protecting, or serving, intended, or alleged to protect [a protective gesture, protective custody] 2. Econ. serving or intended to protect domestic products, industries, etc. in competition with foreign products …   English World dictionary

  • protective — (adj.) 1660s, from PROTECT (Cf. protect) + IVE (Cf. ive). Protective custody is from 1933, translating Ger. Schutzhaft, used cynically by the Nazis …   Etymology dictionary

  • protective — [adj] guarding, securing careful, conservational, conservative, covering, custodial, defensive, emergency, guardian, insulating, jealous, possessive, preservative, protecting, safeguarding, sheltering, shielding, vigilant, warm, watchful;… …   New thesaurus

  • protective — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ serving, intended, or wishing to protect. ► NOUN Brit. 1) a thing that protects. 2) dated a condom. DERIVATIVES protectively adverb protectiveness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • protective — pro|tec|tive [prəˈtektıv] adj 1.) [only before noun] used or intended for protection ▪ protective clothing ▪ Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun s harmful rays. 2.) wanting to protect someone from harm or danger protective… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • protective — [[t]prəte̱ktɪv[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Protective means designed or intended to protect something or someone from harm. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin... Protective measures are necessary if the city s… …   English dictionary

  • protective — adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel ▪ become ADVERB ▪ fiercely, highly, very ▪ Lionesses a …   Collocations dictionary

  • protective — adjective 1 (only before noun) used or intended for protection: protective clothing | protective legislation | a protective layer of varnish 2 wanting to protect someone from harm or danger, often in a way that unintentionally restricts their… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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