- prosthetics
- [prɒsʹθetıks] n мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prosthetics — 1894, from PROSTHETIC (Cf. prosthetic); also see ICS (Cf. ics) … Etymology dictionary
prosthetics — ► PLURAL NOUN 1) artificial body parts; prostheses. 2) pieces of flexible material applied to actors faces to transform their appearance. 3) (treated as sing. ) the branch of surgery concerned with the making and fitting of artificial body parts … English terms dictionary
prosthetics — [präs thet′iks] n. [< PROSTHETIC] the branch of surgery dealing with the replacement of missing parts, esp. limbs, by artificial substitutes prosthetist [präs′thə tist] n … English World dictionary
Prosthetics — The art and science of developing artificial replacements for body parts. Depending on the type of prosthesis, prosthetics may be built and fitted/implanted in a hospital (as in the case of an artificial knee joint), or by an outside specialist.… … Medical dictionary
Prosthetics in fiction — Prosthetics often play a role in fiction, particularly science fiction. Numerous works of literature, television, and movies will feature certain characters who have had prosthetics attached.cience fictionScience fiction literature, television,… … Wikipedia
prosthetics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction Date: circa 1894 the surgical or dental specialty concerned with the design, construction, and fitting of prostheses … New Collegiate Dictionary
prosthetics — /pros thet iks/, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) 1. the branch of surgery or of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing parts with artificial structures. Cf. prosthodontics. 2. the fabrication and fitting of prosthetic devices, esp … Universalium
prosthetics — Synonyms and related words: antiseptic surgery, aseptic surgery, chiroplasty, cryosurgery, dental surgery, electrosurgery, general surgery, heart surgery, major surgery, minor surgery, neurosurgery, open heart surgery, operation, operative… … Moby Thesaurus
prosthetics — prÉ‘s θtɪks /prÉ’s n. making of prostheses, making of artificial limbs and body parts … English contemporary dictionary
prosthetics — [prɒs θɛtɪks] plural noun 1》 artificial body parts; prostheses. ↘pieces of flexible material applied to actors faces to transform their appearance. 2》 [treated as sing.] the branch of surgery concerned with the making and fitting of… … English new terms dictionary
prosthetics — pros·thet·ics … English syllables