- prosencephala
- [͵prɒsenʹsefələ] pl от prosencephalon
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
prosencephala — n. forebrain, section of the brain that includes the cerebrum thalamus and hypothalamus (Anatomy) … English contemporary dictionary
prosencephalon — prosencephalic /pros en seuh fal ik/, adj. /pros en sef euh lon , leuhn/, n., pl. prosencephalas, prosencephala / leuh/. Anat. the forebrain. [1840 50; < NL < Gk prós(o) forward (akin to pró PRO 2) + enképhalon ENCEPHALON] * * * … Universalium
prosencephalon — /ˌprɒsɛnˈsɛfəlɒn/ (say .prosen sefuhlon) noun (plural prosencephala /ˌprɒsənˈsɛfələ/ (say .prosuhn sefuhluh)) 1. the anterior segment of the brain, consisting of the cerebral hemispheres (or their equivalent) and certain adjacent parts. 2. the… …
prosencephalon — [präs΄en sef′ə län΄, präs΄en sef′ələn] n. pl. prosencephala [präs΄en sef′ələ] [ModL < Gr pros, near + encephalon: see ENCEPHALO ] FOREBRAIN prosencephalic [präs΄en΄sə fal′ik] adj … English World dictionary